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何希鹏 汪凯明 罗薇 高玉巧 刘娜娜 郭涛 周亚彤 武迪迪

何希鹏, 汪凯明, 罗薇, 高玉巧, 刘娜娜, 郭涛, 周亚彤, 武迪迪. 四川盆地东南部南川地区煤层气地质特征及富集主控因素[J]. 石油实验地质, 2025, 47(1): 64-76. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010064
引用本文: 何希鹏, 汪凯明, 罗薇, 高玉巧, 刘娜娜, 郭涛, 周亚彤, 武迪迪. 四川盆地东南部南川地区煤层气地质特征及富集主控因素[J]. 石油实验地质, 2025, 47(1): 64-76. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010064
HE Xipeng, WANG Kaiming, LUO Wei, GAO Yuqiao, LIU Nana, GUO Tao, ZHOU Yatong, WU Didi. Geological characteristics and main enrichment controlling factors of coalbed methane in Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2025, 47(1): 64-76. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010064
Citation: HE Xipeng, WANG Kaiming, LUO Wei, GAO Yuqiao, LIU Nana, GUO Tao, ZHOU Yatong, WU Didi. Geological characteristics and main enrichment controlling factors of coalbed methane in Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2025, 47(1): 64-76. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010064


doi: 10.11781/sysydz2025010064

中国石化科技部项目“渝东南地区煤层气富集规律及勘探关键技术” P24118


    何希鹏(1970—),男,硕士,研究员,从事油气地质及勘探评价等方面的管理与研究工作。E-mail: hexp.hdsj@sinopec.com


    汪凯明(1982—),男,硕士,副研究员,从事油气地质综合研究及勘探开发规划工作。E-mail: kaiming214@126.com

  • 中图分类号: TE132.2

Geological characteristics and main enrichment controlling factors of coalbed methane in Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要: 四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组深层煤层气勘探取得重要战略突破,展现出该区煤层气良好的勘探潜力。为揭示其富集主控地质因素,利用钻井、岩心、测井及实验分析等资料,从龙潭组煤层分布、煤岩煤质、物性、含气性以及可压裂性特征等方面入手,开展了煤层气地质特征与富集主控地质因素研究。研究表明:(1)龙潭组主力煤层具有分布稳定(厚度2.8~5.7 m)、煤体结构好(主要为原生结构煤)、镜质组含量高(平均含量79.7%)、热演化程度较高(Ro平均为1.9%)和灰分产率较低(平均14.3%)的特点,具备形成煤层气藏的基本条件;(2)煤储层为孔隙—裂隙型储层,微孔占比78%,其比表面积占比达99.6%,有利于煤层气的吸附及压裂后渗流;(3)煤层总含气量为14.0~46.7 m3/t,游离气占比为39%~44%,具有“高含气、富含游离气、过饱和”及含气量随埋深增加而增大的特征;(4)研究区地应力适中(35~60 MPa),两向水平应力差异系数小(<0.1),顶底板条件好,可形成良好的应力隔挡,有利于压裂改造;(5)南川地区煤层气富集主控地质因素为沉积环境控制含煤建造、演化程度控制生烃强度、保存条件控制富集程度。


  • 图  1  四川盆地东南部南川地区构造划分(a)及地层综合柱状图(b)和地震剖面图(c)

    Figure  1.  Tectonic division (a), comprehensive stratigraphic column (b), and seismic profile (c) of Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  2  四川盆地及周缘上二叠统龙潭组/吴家坪组沉积相

    Figure  2.  Sedimentary facies of Upper Permian Longtan to Wujiaping formations in Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas

    图  3  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤层连井剖面对比剖面位置见图 1

    Figure  3.  Comparison of connecting well profiles in coal seams of Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  4  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤岩储集空间类型


    Figure  4.  Types of reservoir spaces in coal rocks of Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  5  四川盆地东南部南川地区Y2井上二叠统龙潭组1号煤层成像测井

    Figure  5.  Image logging of No.1 coal seam in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, well Y2, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  6  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤层全尺度孔隙联合表征

    Figure  6.  Combined characterization of pores across all scales in coal seams of Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  7  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤层含气量平面分布

    Figure  7.  Planar distribution of gas content in coal seams of Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  8  四川盆地东南部南川地区YY1井上二叠统龙潭组煤层不同压力下吸附量随温度变化特征

    Figure  8.  Variation characteristics of adsorption amount with temperature under different pressures in coal seams of Upper Permian Longtan Formation, well YY1, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  9  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤层气赋存模式

    Figure  9.  Coalbed methane occurrence model in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  10  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤岩杨氏模量、泊松比随埋深变化特征

    Figure  10.  Variation characteristics of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of coal rocks with burial depth in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  11  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤储层地应力随埋深变化特征

    Figure  11.  Variation characteristics of in-situ stress in coal reservoirs with burial depth in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  12  四川盆地东南部南川地区YY1井上二叠统龙潭组煤层及顶板抗压强度对比

    Figure  12.  Comparison of compressive strength between coal seams and roof plates in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, well YY1, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  13  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤层煤相分析

    Figure  13.  Coal facie analysis of coal seams in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  14  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组1号煤层及顶、底板纵向组合关系

    Figure  14.  Vertical combination relationship of No.1 coal seam with roof and floor plates in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  15  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组埋藏史与生烃史

    Figure  15.  Burial history and hydrocarbon generation history of Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

    图  16  四川盆地东南部南川地区上二叠统龙潭组煤层埋深与含气量相关性

    Figure  16.  Correlation between burial depth and gas content in coal seams of Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Nanchuan area, southeastern Sichuan Basin

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