摘要: 通过亚洲及太平洋地区中部三叠纪岩相古地理图的编和研究,得出下述结论:(1)区内三叠系可以按阶统一划分、对比;(2)印支期是区内构造发展的转折期,主要表现是古特提斯洋北支最后封闭,扬子、羌塘陆块向北拼合;南支进一步扩大,结束了长期以来南海北陆的古地理面貌,开始东西分异的格局;(3)将区内划分为北亚大陆南部、北亚大陆南侧陆缘、南北亚大陆陆间、南亚大陆北侧陆缘、南亚大陆北部和东部环太平洋陆缘六个构造区;(4)对早、中、晚三叠世的岩相古地理特征进行了概括;(5)对三叠系的沉积层控矿产的赋存条件作了概述。Abstract: Triassic Lithofacies-Palaeogeographic Maps in Asia and the Central Part of Pacific Region"has been compiled and studied, and several points are clear. 1.Unified division and comparision could be made between stages of Triassic strata within the region; 2.Indo-China epoch was a turning stage for tectonic evolution. The major expressions were the final closing of the north branch of palaeo-Tethys, northward peace-together of Yangtze and Qiantang continental blocks, further accretion of the south branch, with the palaeog-eographic relief of sea in-south and land in-north ended and east-west differential configuration started; 3. Six tectonic areas were divided within the region, namely, southern part of north Asia continent, southern continental margin of north Asia, intercontinent between south and north Asia continents, northern continental margin of south Asia, northern part of south Asia continent and circum Pacific continental margin in northern and eastern parts of south Asia continent; 4.Summary of the lithofacies-palaeogeographic outline and characteristics of early, middle and late Triassic; 5. Summaries of the major Triassic sediments and the occurrence conditions of stratigraphically controlled mineral resources.
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