摘要: 盆地形成和演化的运动学研究是盆地模拟的重要环节,对于研究圈闭的形成演化和圈闭类型及圈闭规模有着极其重要意义。速度场及变形时间可以完全描述断层上盘的变形。本文通过运动学数学模型的建立,进行剖面校正和压实校正处理,模拟揭示溱潼凹陷的形成演化和同沉积过程以及断层各期次的伸展量。并对溱潼凹陷的演化特征进行分析,根据三条剖面的模拟结果,对凹陷西部、中部和东部地区不同的演化特征进行研究。Abstract: Kinetic study on the formation and evolution of a basin is one of key links of basiningsimulation,it is also momentous significant for the research of trap's formation and evolution,and type and size of oil/gas traps. The deformation of hanging walls may be well described by the field of velocity vector and the time it occurred. Through the establishmentof kinetic mathematical model,the profiling and compaction corrections have been completed in this paper. The modelling reveals the formation and evolution of the Qintong Depression and synsedimentary process,as well as the amount of faulting extensions in various stages.Thereafter,the evolutional characteristics of the Qintong Depression have beenanalvsed in this paper.According to three modelling profiles,the authors have studied dif-ferent evolutional features in the west middle and east sections of the Depression.
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