摘要: 无机成因油气领域可能存在比有机油气领域大得多的油气潜量.无机成因油气的成欧条件是:要有岩石圈级深大断裂作通道,以及无机控类运移到地壳表层的过程中不被氧化.根据这些条件和岩石圈结构特征,提出了2种无机成因油气可能成藏的模式;一是在有较厚的还原环境沉积段(在还原环境沉积段中,氧逸度低,无机烃类可以保存不被氧化)的裂谷系或裂陷盆地(这些盆地一般都有与岩石圈底部相通的深大断裂)内的有关圈闭中成藏,往往与有机油气混合成藏;二是在与裂陷盆地相邻共生的隆起区内,水平破裂带(地壳深部烃类的储集体)隆升后的残留体(是理想的裂隙圈闭).在此基础上,指出了无机油气的有利远景区以及勘查无机油气领域的方法.Abstract: There may be much more hydrocarbon in inorganic-sourced domain than in organic-sourced domain.Conditions for accumulation of inorganic-sourced hydrocarbon are as follows: (1)large deep fault to lithosphere as migration path; and (2)the hydrocarbon was not oxidated in process of migrating to crust surface. The accumulation pattern was suggested in accordance with above conditions and lithospheric structure: (1) traps in rift system or rift basin with thick sediments of reducing environment, which mixed with organic hydrocarbon; and (2) residuals of lifted horizontal zone of fracture neighbering rift basin. The prospects of inorganic hydrocarbon and their exploration method were indicated.
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