摘要: 用数学统计方法分析油气地质特征和勘探历程,已成为国外油气资源评价的主要方法.本文论述的分形预测法既考虑了研究区的地质特征,又考虑了勘探历程,数学计算简单方便.可以用于油气资源量的预测,也可以用于储量预测,结果准确性较高,值得推广.Abstract: With advances of oil and gas exploration,methodology of petroleum resource assessment has been focus on analysis of geological features and on statistics of the exploration data instead of the material ba lance by geochemical data.Application of fractal method to the petroleum assessment may open new idea to geologists,because field sizes of the discovered oil and gas accumulations and the field number are fol lowing a kind of box structure in terms of fractal.This paper introduced a simple fractal method to esti mate undiscovered hydrocarbon reserve on a published data set of the Minnelusa play in the Power River basin,U.S.A.The author believe that the method is applicable in estimation of either petroleum re sources or reserves in China.
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