摘要: 根据Mango提出的稳态催化轻烃成因模式,2,4-2,3-二甲基戊烷比值是一项纯温度参数。Bement和Mango等基于生油岩古地温、热演化史和轻烃分析资料,建立了该轻烃温度参数与埋深温度的函数关系式,用于油气生成温度计算。油气生成温度在油气勘探和油藏地球化学研究领域有广泛的应用前景,能用于油气演化程度、运移距离、成藏时间、自生自储性和排烃门限等方面的研究。文中以塔里木盆地为例,计算了海、陆相油气的生成温度,以此推算出其生成深度和成熟度,并用其它的地质、地球化学资料加以验证。Abstract: According to the steady-state catalytic model for the origin of light hydrocarbon proposed by Mango,2,4-/2,3-dimethylpentane ratio is a pure temperature parameter.Based on the paleogeotemperature, the thermal history and the analytical data of light hydrocarbon for source rocks, Bement and Mango et al. established the functional equation between the light hydrocarbon temperature parameter and the burial temperature and applied it to the calculation of hydrocarbon-generating temperature. The hydrocarbon-generating temperature has broad application to the research fields of oil & gas exploration and reservoir geochemistry. It can be used to study the evolutionary degree, migration distance,pool-forming time,the property of self-generation and self-accumulation,the threshold of hydrocarbon expulsion etc.In this paper, the generating temperature of the marine and continental hydrocarbons from the Tarim Basin are calculated, and their generating depth and maturity are estimated. They are verified by other geological and geochemical data.
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