摘要: 该文根据成岩作用过程(process oriented)模拟的原理,综合考虑了温度、压力、流体和时间4种因素对成岩作用的影响,通过模拟成岩参数镜质组反射率、古地温、伊/蒙混层中蒙皂石的含量、自生石英百分含量和甾烷异构化率在时空上的变化规律,进而模拟一个地区的成岩史并预测成岩阶段的展布特征;然后根据成岩作用对生、储、盖层的控制作用以及成岩史与构造发育史的匹配关系,确定有利的勘探区域。最后,文中以渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷老爷庙地区深层为例说明了这一方法的应用。Abstract: Based on the process oriented simulation principles of diagenesis in this paper,the effects of temperature,pressure,fluid and time four factors on diagenesis were considered comprehensively.By simulating the vitrinite reflectance of diagenetic parameters,paleogeotemperature,the smectite content in I/S mixed layers,the percentage content of authigenic quartz and the changing rules of sterane isomerization rate in time and space,the diagenetic history of a region was simulated and the spreading characteristics of diagenetic stages were predicted.And according to the controlling action of diagenesis to source rocks,reservoirs and caprocks as well as the matching relation of diagenetic history to tectonic developing history,the favorable exploration districts were determined.At last,the deep layers of Laoyemiao area in the Nanbao Depression of the Bohaiwan Basin were taken as examples to illustrate the application of this method.
Key words:
- diagenesis /
- numerical simulation /
- clastic reservoir /
- secondary proe /
- acidic fluid /
- clay mineral /
- silicic cementation /
- the Bohaiwan Basin
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