摘要: 利用超声波可以改变介质渗流特性和流体流变性的原理,研究了超声波作用前后岩心渗透率变化曲线和压力梯度变化曲线,探讨了超声波在油层中作用的有效距离。研究结果表明,超声波处理后,原油的视粘度显著降低,反映了明显的声流变特性;超声波的作用功率越高,原油的降粘作用越大;超声波作用频率越低,原油的降粘幅度越大;原油粘度越高,降粘幅度越大。Abstract: By means of the principle that ultrasonic reaction can change the flowing of fluids through porous media and fluid rheological behavoirs,the changes of the curves of core permeability and pressure gradient before and after ultrasonic reaction have been researched.The efficient distance of ultrasonics in the oil layer was discussed in the paper.The study results show that the apparent viscosity of crude oil after ultrasonic reaction decreased greatly,and that the sound rheological behavior of the oil is obvious.The bigger the ultrasonic reaction power is,the stronger the effect on viscosity reduction of crude oil is.The lower the ultrasonic frequency is,the greater the extent of viscosity reduction of crude oil is.The higher the oil viscosity is,the greater the extent of viscosity reduction of crude oil is.
Key words:
- ultrasonics /
- permeability /
- rheological behavior /
- plug removal /
- apparent viscosity
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