摘要: 通过对加蓬盆地区域构造背景、沉积演化的研究,综合分析生储盖条件,认为盆地演化经历了裂谷期、过渡期和漂移期3个阶段。各个演化阶段沉积地层3分:盐下层系、盐膏层和盐上层系。主要油气系统为盐下和盐上2套:盐上含油气系统主要分布于北加蓬次盆;盐下含油气系统分布于南加蓬次盆。搞清了盐下、盐上主要层系的沉积体系分布及其对烃源岩和储层的控制。总结出盐上成藏主控因素为"断崖控储,盐控圈闭,构造、圈闭控油";盐下成藏主控因素为"相控源、控储,盐控盖,构造、圈闭控油"。Abstract: A comprehensive study of the regional tectonic setting,sedimentary evolution and source reservoir cap conditions indicates that the Gabon Basin has experienced 3 evolutional phases: rifting period,transitional period and drifting period.The sedimentary strata of every evolutional phase are divided into 3 parts: pre-salt sequence,salt sequence and post-salt sequence.The main petroleum systems are the pre-salt and post-salt sequences.The post-salt petroleum system is distributed on the North Gabon sub-basin and pre-salt one is located in the South Gabon sub-basin.It makes clear the main sedimentary distribution of pre-salt and post-salt sequences and their controlment on source rocks and reservoirs.This paper summarizes the main factors of post-salt reservoirs are "reservoir controlled by fault scarp,traps controlled by salt,oil controlled by tectonic and traps" and the main factors of pre-salt reservoirs are "sources and reservoirs controlled by facies,caps controlled by salt,oil controlled by tectonic and traps".
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