摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地近40多年来的油气勘探工作,因主观认识和客观(地形)上的原因,在早期经历了一段曲折的历史,队伍一度撤出该盆地而转战渭河地堑。1968年底,李四光部长根据他一贯的新华夏构造系找油的思想,坚持油气普查队伍应从渭河撤出并回到盆地中来,即"打回老家去"。接踵而来地质部门在庆参井、华参2井以及石油工业部在庆阳以北以马岭油田为代表的中下侏罗统的突破,迎来了上世纪70年代的长庆油田大会战。再伴随其后吴旗、志丹地区的出油气,一个当时为人称道的"庆、华、吴""油气系统"概念在当地流行起来。伴随近10多年来,石油工业部门对上三叠统延长组三角洲和庆阳油田的发现,使这个古老的鄂尔多斯盆地真正恢复了它的青春。Abstract: There was a tortuous way in the early stage during the last 40 years of petroleum exploration in the Ordos Basin due to shortage of subjective knowledge and limitation of objective conditions(topography et al).The exploration was terminated in the basin for a time and was carried out in the Weihe Graben area.In the end of 1968,Minister Li Siguang demanded that the exploration activity should be given up in the graben area and return to the basin according to his theory of Neocathaysian structural system.Consequently,discoveries of the Middle and Lower Jurassic reservoirs in wells QC and HC-2 and in Maling oilfield revealed the prologue to a great battle for oil as when Changqing oilfield was being opened up in 1970s.With success in Wuqi and Zhidan area,the well known "Qin-Hua-Wu petroleum system" was popularized.In the last 10 years,with determination of deltaic system of the Upper Triassic Yanchang formation and discovery of Qinyang oilfield,the "old" Ordos basin has really restored its vitality.
Key words:
- oil and gas /
- exploration history /
- Ordos Basin
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