摘要: 单体油气包裹体有机成分分析技术是当今世界研究的热点与难题。将显微激光系统与色谱质谱分析系统通过进样、富集系统进行连接,研发出单体包裹体成分分析仪,并利用激光剥蚀技术打开单体包裹体,对有机质先进行富集再开展色谱质谱定性定量分析,首次实现了地质样品单体包裹体C6+有机组分分析,对不同期次包裹体进行了独立研究,为海相叠合盆地复杂油气成藏演化历史研究提供了重要手段。Abstract: Researches of compositions of individual hydrocarbon inclusion have attracted much attention in the world.Connecting laser micropyrolysis system to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry system by means of sample input and enrichment system,analysis instrument for compositions of individual inclusion has been made.Individual inclusion is cracked with laser.Hydrocarbon is concentrated and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry studies are carried out.Analyses of C6+ in individual inclusion have come true for the first time.Inclusions of different stages are studied respectively,providing significant ways for studies of petroleum accumulation and evolution history in marine facies superimposed basins.
Key words:
- individual /
- hydrocarbon inclusions /
- laser denudation /
- composition analysis /
- petroleum geochemistry
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