摘要: 通过数学论证及原油混合配比实验,建立了混源生物降解油生物标志物随混合比例变化的数学模型及油源贡献率计算方法,阐明了生物降解作用对混源油油源贡献率有一定的影响。对混源生物降解油,若以生物标志物绝对含量为参数,用未降解或降解程度低的原油作端元油,将高估生物标志物绝对含量高的原油油源贡献率;反之,则将低估油源贡献率,因此应采用降解程度相当的原油作端元油。若以生物标志物比值为参数,对由2种相同降解程度的原油组成的混源油,油源贡献率不受生物降解影响,因此可用未降解油作端元油;对由2种不同降解程度的原油组成的混源油,若用未降解油作端元油,则会高估或低估生标物比值高的原油油源贡献率,因此应采用2种相应降解程度的原油作端元油。Abstract: The mathematical models of biodegraded mixed-source oils' biomarkers change along with the mixed proportion,and the calculation method for the contribution rate of oil sources were established by mathematical demonstration and artificial oil-mixing experiment,and in addition,the effect of biodegradation on the mixed proportion is illustrated.The research indicated: when the biomarkers content is used as a parameter,if we use normal crude oils or less biodegraded crude oils as end-member oils,instead of the biodegraded mixed-source oils,we will overestimate the contribution rate of the high biomarkers content crude oil,otherwise,we will underestimate the contribution rate of the high biomarkers content crude oil,so we should use considerable extent of biodegraded oils to calculate.When the biomarkers ratio is used as a parameter,as to biodegraded mixed-source oils in the same degree,biodegradation will have no effect on the mixed proportion,and we can use normal crude oils as end-member oils.However,the situation will appear more complicated if we use normal crude oils rather than biodegraded end-member oils in varying degrees,the contribution rate of crude oils of the high biomarkers ratio will be overestimated or underestimated.In this case,we should use the corresponding degree of biodegraded crude oils as end-member oils to calculate.
Key words:
- biomarker /
- mathematical model /
- biodegrade /
- mixed-source oils /
- contribution rate of oil sources /
- Bohai Sea area
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