摘要: 美国地质调查局在2000年全球油气资源评价项目中,对待发现可采资源量的计算采用了概率相乘,即蒙特卡洛模拟法。文中将此方法应用于也门马里卜—夏布瓦盆地的资源评价工作,计算结果表明该盆地待发现可采资源量为1.02×108t油当量。认为研究区内同裂谷系成藏组合已接近成熟,而基底裂缝型成藏组合可能具有较大的勘探潜力。Abstract: In the World Petroleum Assessment 2000 project,U.S.Geologic Survey(USGS) adopted the method of probabilistic multiplying,namely Monte Carlo simulation to obtain the forecast for undisco-vered petroleum resources.This method is applied to the resources assessment of the Marib-Shabwa Basin in Yemen,and the results show the undiscovered resources will be 102 million tons of oil equivalents(TOE).In the study area,the syn-rift play is considered to be mature,while the fractured basement play is supposed to be highly promising.
Key words:
- Monte Carlo simulation /
- resources assessment /
- exploration potential /
- Marib-Shabwa Basin /
- Yemen
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