摘要: 以华北中新生代构造演化对古生界油气保存的区域控制作用为研究重点,除分析了古生界自身发育的盖层条件外,着重分析了中新生代盆地叠加所构成的上覆直接盖层、区域盖层以及整体封存条件。研究认为,古生界的油气保存总体具有西部好于东部、下古好于上古、北华北好于南华北的特点,本溪组、石盒子组是古生界内部主要区域盖层,东部古近系和西部广布的三叠系为古生界后期油气保存提供了区域封盖条件,同时圈闭条件是造成东西部油气保存差异的重要因素,鄂尔多斯盆地腹部和东部断陷深凹—内斜坡区是油气保存的有利单元。Abstract: This paper mainly studied the regional controlling effect of Meso-Cenozoic tectonic evolution to the Paleozoic reservoir preservation in the North China. Beside the analysis of the condition of Paleozoic seal rocks, this paper mainly analyzed conditions of overlying direct cap rocks, regional cap rocks and the overall sealing composed by Meso-Cenozoic basins superposition. The results show that the hydrocarbon preservation was better in the west than in the east, better in Lower Paleozoic than in the Upper Paleozoic, and better in the northen part of North China than in the souther part of North China. Benxi Formation and Shihezi Formation are the main regional cap rocks in the Paleozoic. The eastern Paleogene and the western Triassic formations provided regional cap rocks for the Paleozoic hydrocarbon preservation. The sealing condition is an important factor which caused the hydrocarbon preservation difference between the east and the west. The Central Ordos Basin and the eastern deep fault depression to inside slope in the North China are favorable units for the hydrocarbon preservation.
Key words:
- cap rock /
- tectonic evolution /
- hydrocarbon preservation /
- Paleozoic /
- North China
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