Features of thrust nappe structure in northern South Yellow Sea
摘要: 南黄海北部海相构造层中的逆冲推覆以寒武系底面、志留系顶面(或加里东构造面)及上二叠统龙潭组煤系为主要滑脱面由北西向南东推覆,呈北东向或近东西向分布于千里岩隆起至崂山隆起南缘;根据逆冲推覆规模和基底卷入程度,自北而南划分出根带、中带和锋带。根带位于南黄海北部千里岩隆起一带,表现为由前震旦系组成的巨大推覆体逆冲(掩)在古生界之上;中带发育于烟台坳陷至崂山隆起中部,表现为上古生界呈叠瓦状冲断;锋带分布于崂山隆起南部,主要表现为龙潭组和青龙组内部的滑脱构造。根据地震资料分析,南黄海北部地区的逆冲推覆构造主要活动时期是在印支期至燕山早期。Abstract: In marine formations of the northern South Yellow Sea,thrust nappe took place from NW to SE on Cambrian bottom,Silurian top(or Caledonian tectonic surface) and Upper Permian Longtan Formation coal strata.The thrust nappe structure spread from the Qianliyan Uplift to the southern margin of Laoshan Uplift,mainly in NE or EW direction.According to thrust nappe scale and basement involvement extent,the thrust nappe structure was divided into 3 belts from north to south:root,middle and front.The root located in the Qianliyan Uplift where a huge pre-Sinian thrust(overthrust) napped on the Paleozoic.The middle zone was from the Yantai Depression to the middle of Laoshan Uplift.In this region,imbricate thrusts were found in the Upper Paleozoic.The front zone located in the south of Laoshan Uplift,where detachment structures were found in the Longtan and Qinglong Formations.Analyses of seismic data indicated that thrust nappe movements in the northern South Yellow Sea mainly took place from Indosinian to the early Yanshanian.
Key words:
- Yanshanian /
- Indosinian /
- thrust nappe structure /
- northern South Yellow Sea
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