Petroleum origin and source in Shidong area, Junggar Basin
摘要: 石东地区位于准噶尔盆地滴水泉凹陷西侧,临近储量达亿吨级的石西油田和千亿立方的克拉美丽气田,目前已获高产油气流,但其规模较小,其成因及油气来源尚不十分清楚。采用全烃地球化学方法确定油气来源,指出石东地区天然气干燥系数较大,甲、乙烷碳同位素均较重,与石西油田不同,与滴水泉凹陷周缘的克拉美丽气田更为相似;石东地区深浅层原油特征基本一致,其原油碳同位素、姥植比、轻烃和饱和烃色质特征与石西油田深浅层原油不完全一致,与滴水泉凹陷周缘陆南1井区侏罗系、克拉美丽气田原油特征相似,说明石东地区油气不是从石西油田运移而来,主要来自滴水泉凹陷。Abstract: Shidong area locates in the west of the Dishuiquan Sag of the Junggar Basin,adjacent to the Shixi oil field(with 108 treserves) and the Kelameili gas field(with 1011m3 reserves).High-yielding oil-and-gas flows have been found in the region;however,production scale is small and the origin and source of petroleum are not clear yet.The whole-hydrocarbon geochemistry method has been practiced in petroleum source analyses.The dry coefficients of natural gas in Shidong area are high,and the carbon isotopes of methane and ethane are heavy,which is different from those in the Shixi oil field and similar with those in the Kelameili gas field.Crude oils from both deep and shallow formations in Shidong area have the same characteristics basically.Carbon isotope,pristane/phytane ratio,chromatography-mass spectroscopy of light and saturated hydrocarbon of crude oil in Shidong area are not the same as those in the Shixi oil field,and similar with those in Jurassic of well Lunan1 region around the Dishuiquan Sag and those in the Kelameili gas field.The studies have indicated that the petroleum in Shidong area comes from the Dishuiquan Sag rather than the Shixi oil field.
Key words:
- hydrocarbon origin /
- Shidong area /
- Dishuiquan Sag /
- Junggar Basin
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