Characteristics of carbonate reservoirs of Cambrian Loushanguan Formation to the west of Xuefeng Mountain
摘要: 通过对雪峰山西侧地区寒武系娄山关组碳酸盐岩储集岩的调查与研究,认为该区储集岩类型主要为鲕粒滩型与白云岩型2类;储集空间类型为晶间孔隙、溶蚀孔隙和裂缝,孔隙连通性较好.在湖北鹤峰、湖南桑植以及张家界一带,娄山关组亮晶鲕粒白云岩最大孔隙半径大于200μm,平均孔隙半径为9.61μm;亮晶内碎屑白云岩孔隙半径在100~200μm之间,其百分含量达到33%.喉道宽度最大值为81.43μm,平均值为21.28μm.其孔隙度最大值为10.3%,平均值为3.4%,渗透率最大值为18.6×10-3μm2,平均值为1.4×10-3μm2,孔渗特征相对较好,可以作为Ⅱ型储集层.寒武系娄山关组储集层段主要分布于慈利-保靖断裂以西的潮坪相区,具有一定的油气勘探前景.Abstract: The carbonate reservoirs of the Cambrian Loushanguan Formation to the west of Xuefeng Mountain were studied.Two types of reservoirs were identified including oolitic beach and dolomite.Intercrystalline pore,dissolution pore and fracture worked as reservoir room and were usually well connected.The oolitic dolosparites and intraclast dolomites of Loushanguan Formation in Hefeng of Hubei province and Sangzhi and Zhangjiajie of Hunan province were studied.The maximum pore radius of oolitic dolosparite was over 200 μm with the average of 9.61 μm.The pore radius of intraclast dolomite ranged from 100 μm to 200 μm,accounting for 33%.The maximum throat was 81.43 μm and the average was 21.28 μm.The maximum porosity was 10.3% and the average was 3.4%.The maximum permeability was 18.6×10-3 μm2 and the average was 1.4×10-3 μm2.Both porosity and permeability were good and were judged as reservoir of type Ⅱ.The reservoirs of the Cambrian Loushanguan Formation distributed mainly in the tidal flat facies areas to the west of the Cili-Baojing Fault,and had good potential for exploration.
Key words:
- carbonate rock /
- reservoir rock /
- Cambrian /
- Loushanguan Formation /
- west of Xuefeng Mountain
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