Features and geologic significance of maceral composition of coal-bearing source rocks in Xihu Sag
摘要: 以黄岩14-1-1井为例,西湖凹陷煤系烃源岩显微组分可以划分为2种类型:类型一以镜质组为主,类型二以壳质组+腐泥组为主.2种类型煤系烃源岩显微组分生烃模拟实验结果表明,类型一烃源岩生烃产物以液态烃为主,类型二烃源岩生烃产物以气态烃为主,2种类型的煤系烃源岩纵向和横向上差异性分布导致了西湖凹陷油气藏表现为上油下气的分布特征.Abstract: According to the studies of well HY14-1-1,the maceral composition of coal-bearing source rocks in the Xihu Sag was divided into 2 types including type Ⅰ mainly of vitrinite and type Ⅱ mainly of exinite and sapropelinite.The simulations of hydrocarbon generation of the above-mentioned types indicated that the type Ⅰ mainly generated liquid hydrocarbon while the type Ⅱ mainly generated gaseous hydrocarbon.The vertical and horizontal differences between the 2 types of coal-bearing source rocks led to the present distribution of petroleum in the Xihu Sag,that is,oil in the upper formations and gas in the lower formations.
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