Parameters of index diminishing method in SEC standard evaluation of oil and gas reserves
摘要: 通过采用单因素数理分析法,对SEC上市油气储量指数递减曲线评估法中的Arps递减曲线方程进行了特征分析.认为影响上市油气储量评估结果的主要影响参数可以分为2类,一类是油藏参数,另一类是经济参数;并确定出几个重要影响参数与SEC油气储量之间的数理方程.由此,可以定量确定几个重要影响参数对SEC油气储量的影响规律、影响程度;并且可以通过储量方程定量调整各主要影响参数之间的数量关系来促进油气储量评估结果的稳定,同时也达到减少油气田新增勘探区块投入开发的目的,最终促进SEC油气储量替代率的稳定.Abstract: Using single factor analysis method,the Arps diminishing curve equation of the index diminishing method in the SEC standard evaluation of oil and gas reserves was studied.The main controlling factors for reserve evaluation were classified into 2 types,the reservoir ones and the economic ones.Several mathematical equations between the controlling factors and the SEC reserves were established.In this way,the influencing laws and degrees of the controlling factors on the SEC reserves were determined quantitatively.The evaluation results were improved by adjusting the quantitative relationship among the controlling factors.The investment for new petroleum exploration blocks was reduced and the SEC oil and gas reserve substitution rate was stabilized.
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