Potential research of SEC static reserves about Jiangsu Oil Field
摘要: SEC储量准则是美国证券交易委员会(SEC)制定的评价石油天然气储量的标准和规则,根据该准则评价在美国上市的各大石油公司的储量增减情况,披露的储量信息与价值直接影响油公司的下一步发展潜力.该文根据江苏油田"九五"以来年度新增探明储量及其SEC储量构成、来源以及多参数因素分析,通过国内年度新增静态石油地质储量转化为SEC储量的比例,研究其分布趋势和未来的潜力,研究提出了"十二五"期间江苏油田年度SEC静态储量发现规模和储量情况,为年度SEC静态储量的完成奠定基础,同时对油公司下一步的勘探开发项目投资具有指导意义.Abstract: The SEC reserves rules are criteria and rules of oil and gas reserves established by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States.The increasing and decreasing of reserves and the information disclosure directly affect the potential for oil companies in the United States to the next stage of development.It was discussed in this article the composition,source and multi-parameter factors of the annual new-added reserves and the SEC reserves in the Jiangsu Oil Field since the 9th Five-Year Plan.The relationship between the domestic annual added static reserves and the SEC reserves were studied,and their distribution trend and potential in the future were analyzed.This research provided the scale and situation of the SEC static reserves of the Jiangsu Oil Field in the 12th Five-Year Plan,which was the basement for accomplishing the task of annual SEC static reserves,and also showed guiding significance to oil companies for the next exploration and development investment.
Key words:
- SEC reserves /
- static reserves /
- reserves rules /
- reserves composition /
- potential research /
- Jiangsu Oil Field
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