Plug sweeping in coiled tubing in Tahe Oilfield
摘要: 近几年连续油管以其独特的优势被各大油田引进,广泛应用于油气田钻、完、修井及测井等各个施工作业中,在油气田勘探与开发中发挥着越来越重要的作用.该文介绍了连续油管扫塞工艺的原理、优缺点、地面装置及入井工具,以塔河工区TK7219CH井为例,对连续油管扫塞过程中双机泵泵压、扫塞进尺、施工时效及作业质量进行了评价,并对此工艺应用前景和发展方向进行了展望.Abstract: In recent years, due to its unique advantages, coiled tubing was introduced by many oilfields. It was widely used in oil and gas drilling, completion, workover, well logging and other construction operations, and played an increasingly important role in oil and gas exploration and development. It was introduced in this paper the principles, advantages and disadvantages, ground equipments and downhole tools of plug sweeping in coiled tubing. A case study was made in the well TK7219CH in the Tahe Oilfield in order to evaluate double pumping pressure, sweeping depth and working efficiency. The prospect and developing direction of this technique were also discussed.
Key words:
- coiled tubing /
- plug sweeping /
- well drilling /
- Tahe Oilfield
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