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杜学斌 陆永潮 刘惠民 刘辉 王勇 熊仕鹏 郭来源 刘占红 彭丽

杜学斌, 陆永潮, 刘惠民, 刘辉, 王勇, 熊仕鹏, 郭来源, 刘占红, 彭丽. 细粒沉积物中不同级次高频层序划分及其地质意义——以东营凹陷沙三下—沙四上亚段泥页岩为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(2): 244-252. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802244
引用本文: 杜学斌, 陆永潮, 刘惠民, 刘辉, 王勇, 熊仕鹏, 郭来源, 刘占红, 彭丽. 细粒沉积物中不同级次高频层序划分及其地质意义——以东营凹陷沙三下—沙四上亚段泥页岩为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(2): 244-252. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802244
DU Xuebin, LU Yongchao, LIU Huimin, LIU Hui, WANG Yong, XIONG Shipeng, GUO Laiyuan, LIU Zhanhong, PENG Li. Division of high-frequency sequences of different orders in fine-grained deposits and its geologic significance: A case study of mud shale from the lower section of the third member to the upper section of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2018, 40(2): 244-252. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802244
Citation: DU Xuebin, LU Yongchao, LIU Huimin, LIU Hui, WANG Yong, XIONG Shipeng, GUO Laiyuan, LIU Zhanhong, PENG Li. Division of high-frequency sequences of different orders in fine-grained deposits and its geologic significance: A case study of mud shale from the lower section of the third member to the upper section of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2018, 40(2): 244-252. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802244


doi: 10.11781/sysydz201802244
基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2017CB239102)和国家科技重大专项(2016ZX05060004,2016ZX05034002003)资助。


  • 中图分类号: TE121.34

Division of high-frequency sequences of different orders in fine-grained deposits and its geologic significance: A case study of mud shale from the lower section of the third member to the upper section of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin

  • 摘要: 泥页岩地层中层序划分是目前基础研究中的难点与热点之一。在充分借鉴国外研究成果的基础上,提出了基于多种敏感性指标、依托GR曲线,借助改进后的T-R旋回理论指导,开展泥页岩层段四-五级层序地层划分的方案;同时,提出在连续测试数据支持下,借助天文旋回理论,利用偏心率、斜率、岁差等天文参数,建立泥页岩层段的天文标尺,从而建立六-七级层序单元。在此基础上,借助天文标尺,将渤海湾盆地东营凹陷A井沙四纯上段划分出4个沉积过程,并将各个沉积过程进行定量化计算。利用上述系列方法,将东营凹陷沙三下-沙四上泥岩段划分为8个四级层序,31个五级层序,并通过对沉积过程的定量分析,认为沙四上段第二个准层序组沉积期最有利于生物发育。


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  • 收稿日期:  2017-08-16
  • 修回日期:  2018-01-25
  • 刊出日期:  2018-03-28


