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陈昱林 曾焱 段永明 王琼仙

陈昱林, 曾焱, 段永明, 王琼仙. 川西龙门山前雷口坡组四段白云岩储层孔隙结构特征及储层分类[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(5): 621-631. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805621
引用本文: 陈昱林, 曾焱, 段永明, 王琼仙. 川西龙门山前雷口坡组四段白云岩储层孔隙结构特征及储层分类[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(5): 621-631. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805621
CHEN Yulin, ZENG Yan, DUAN Yongming, WANG Qiongxian. Pore structure characteristics and reservoir classification of dolomite reservoirs in fourth member of Leikoupo Formation, Longmen Mountain front, western Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2018, 40(5): 621-631. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805621
Citation: CHEN Yulin, ZENG Yan, DUAN Yongming, WANG Qiongxian. Pore structure characteristics and reservoir classification of dolomite reservoirs in fourth member of Leikoupo Formation, Longmen Mountain front, western Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2018, 40(5): 621-631. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805621


doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805621




  • 中图分类号: TE122.23

Pore structure characteristics and reservoir classification of dolomite reservoirs in fourth member of Leikoupo Formation, Longmen Mountain front, western Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要: 通过岩心观察、铸体薄片、物性测试、毛管压力曲线和CT扫描等技术,对川西龙门山前雷口坡组四段上亚段潮坪相白云岩储层孔隙结构特征进行了研究,划分了孔隙型、裂缝—孔隙型、孔洞型和裂缝—孔洞型4类储集空间组合类型。分析发现,排驱压力、分选系数、连通孔隙数量占比、配位数和孔隙纵横比能够较好地区分4类储集空间组合类型。结合前期物性分类标准和储集空间组合类型,建立了该区储层分类标准,其中Ⅰ类储层(Φ≥12%)中裂缝—孔隙型为好储层,孔隙型为较好储层;Ⅱ类储层(6% ≤ Φ < 12%)中裂缝—孔隙型和裂缝—孔洞型为好储层,孔隙型为较好储层;Ⅲ类储层(2% ≤ Φ < 6%)中裂缝—孔隙型和裂缝—孔洞型为较好储层。


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  • 收稿日期:  2017-12-25
  • 修回日期:  2018-09-03
  • 刊出日期:  2018-09-28


