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高亮 孙波 王延章

高亮, 孙波, 王延章. 渤海湾盆地东营凹陷南坡沙四上亚段滩坝沉积特征及控制因素[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(5): 669-675. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805669
引用本文: 高亮, 孙波, 王延章. 渤海湾盆地东营凹陷南坡沙四上亚段滩坝沉积特征及控制因素[J]. 石油实验地质, 2018, 40(5): 669-675. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805669
GAO Liang, SUN Bo, WANG Yanzhang. Sedimentary characteristics and controlling factors of beach-bar sandstones of the upper section of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation on the southern slope of Dongying Sag,Bohai Bay Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2018, 40(5): 669-675. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805669
Citation: GAO Liang, SUN Bo, WANG Yanzhang. Sedimentary characteristics and controlling factors of beach-bar sandstones of the upper section of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation on the southern slope of Dongying Sag,Bohai Bay Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2018, 40(5): 669-675. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805669


doi: 10.11781/sysydz201805669




  • 中图分类号: TE121.32

Sedimentary characteristics and controlling factors of beach-bar sandstones of the upper section of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation on the southern slope of Dongying Sag,Bohai Bay Basin

  • 摘要: 根据测井、岩心、分析测试等资料,对东营凹陷南坡东段沙四上亚段滩坝沉积特征展开分析。通过古地貌、古物源分析以及古水深、古水动力恢复,对滩坝砂体沉积展布的控制因素展开研究。结果表明:断陷盆地缓坡带是大规模发育滩坝的底形条件,其中,古坡度是影响滩坝大规模发育的主要因素,该区滩坝多分布在古地形坡度0.5°~2°之间;微观古地形高地及周缘有利于厚层滩、坝沉积;古物源提供滩坝沉积的物质保障,物源供给指数介于0.4~0.6时主要发育砂岩滩坝,介于0.2~0.4时发育混合滩坝。主要采用元素分析法与录井、岩心观察相结合的方法确定了研究区的古水深,沉积环境为滨浅湖,古水动力控制了砂体的横向分异。


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