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胡华蕊 邢凤存 齐荣 王超 刘晓晨 陈林 陈孝全

胡华蕊, 邢凤存, 齐荣, 王超, 刘晓晨, 陈林, 陈孝全. 鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区晚古生代盆缘古地貌控砂及油气勘探意义[J]. 石油实验地质, 2019, 41(4): 491-497. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201904491
引用本文: 胡华蕊, 邢凤存, 齐荣, 王超, 刘晓晨, 陈林, 陈孝全. 鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区晚古生代盆缘古地貌控砂及油气勘探意义[J]. 石油实验地质, 2019, 41(4): 491-497. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201904491
HU Huarui, XING Fengcun, QI Rong, WANG Chao, LIU Xiaochen, CHEN Lin, CHEN Xiaoquan. Paleogeomorphologic features and their controls on sandbody distribution on basin margin during Late Paleozoic Era and significance for petroleum exploration, Hangjinqi area, Ordos Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2019, 41(4): 491-497. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201904491
Citation: HU Huarui, XING Fengcun, QI Rong, WANG Chao, LIU Xiaochen, CHEN Lin, CHEN Xiaoquan. Paleogeomorphologic features and their controls on sandbody distribution on basin margin during Late Paleozoic Era and significance for petroleum exploration, Hangjinqi area, Ordos Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2019, 41(4): 491-497. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201904491


doi: 10.11781/sysydz201904491






  • 中图分类号: TE121.3

Paleogeomorphologic features and their controls on sandbody distribution on basin margin during Late Paleozoic Era and significance for petroleum exploration, Hangjinqi area, Ordos Basin

  • 摘要: 使用井震资料,在高精度层序地层格架建立的基础上,对鄂尔多斯盆地杭锦旗地区晚古生代古地貌进行了恢复,探讨了古地貌演化及其沉积和砂体响应。该区上石炭统太原组-中二叠统下石盒子组盒1段沉积期,古地貌具有东西向两隆三洼格局,垂向上划分出太原组-山1段沟谷超覆充填、山2段-盒1段隆洼继承性填平、盒2段-盒3段均一平整等3个古地貌演化阶段。不同地貌演化阶段控制了砂体结构演化,沟谷超覆充填阶段,太原组仅分布在泊尓江海子断裂南部,反映了该断裂的控制性,北部沟谷输砂、南部低洼区聚砂明显,砂体以垂向加积样式分布于隆起分隔的沟谷及低洼区域;隆洼继承性填平阶段,地貌逐渐平整化,断裂控制不明显,砂体连片且具有一定的侧向摆动,3个继承性低洼区为主砂体区;均一平整阶段,物源北退,地貌平整,形成了"泥包砂"且横向摆动的孤立砂体分布结构。


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-02-21
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