Heat-flow value of Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic in Putumayo Sub-Basin, Republic of Colombia
摘要: 普图马约次盆地经历了多期构造演化,其大地热流史也经历了长期、复杂的演化过程。利用地质背景约束、古温标正演约束等多种方法,系统地确定了普图马约次盆自白垩纪以来各时期的大地热流值:白垩纪大地热流值为64 mW/m2;古新世大地热流值为95 mW/m2;渐新世末期大地热流值为38 mW/m2;上新世大地热流值处于120~190.00 mW/m2之间,平均155.00 mW/m2,且具有由东到西大地热流值增加的特征;今大地热流值为55 mW/m2。Abstract: The heat-flow history of the Putumayo Sub-Basin has undergone a long-term and complex evolutionary process from the Late Mesozoic to the Cenozoic due to multiphases of tectonic evolution. The regional geologic background and the forward modeling of paleo-temperature were applied to determine the heat-flow value during different stages ever since the Cretaceous. The heat-flow value was 64 mW/m2 in the Cretaceous, 95 mW/m2 in the Paleocene, 38 mW/m2 at the end of Oligocene, 120 to 190 mW/m2 (increasing from east to west and averaging 155 mW/m2) in the Pliocene, and 55 mW/m2 at present.
Key words:
- Late Mesozoic /
- Cenozoic /
- heat flow /
- Putumayo Sub-Basin /
- Republic of Colombia
表 1 普图马约次盆实测今温度与深度数据表
Table 1. Measured temperature and depth data of Putumayo Sub-Basin
序号 深度/m 温度/℃ 1 496.04 48.89 2 1 036.59 90.00 3 1 649.39 71.11 4 2 074.39 88.89 5 2 185.67 80.00 6 2 279.57 80.00 7 2 314.63 92.78 8 2 515.55 93.89 9 2 570.73 93.89 10 2 572.56 86.67 11 2 606.71 87.22 12 2 620.73 97.22 13 2 643.60 93.89 14 2 655.79 88.33 15 2 670.73 90.00 16 2 697.56 90.56 -
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