Genetic types and sources of Cretaceous crude oil in Shunbei area, Tarim Basin
摘要: 塔里木盆地白垩系含油层系具有良好的勘探潜力,顺北地区在白垩系有较好的油气显示,测试获得少量原油。为研究顺北地区白垩系原油地球化学特征、成因类型、油气来源,系统开展了地球化学特征分析、油—油、油—源对比研究。顺北地区白垩系原油饱和烃色谱为单峰前峰型,正构烷烃系列保存完整,谱图基线平稳,未见明显的“鼓包”,原油Pr/Ph分布在1.65~1.71,C21TT/C23TT>1,生标图谱中藿烷系列化合物占明显优势,∑三环萜烷/∑藿烷 < 1,检测到丰度较高的伽马蜡烷和三芳甾烷化合物,指示为保存条件良好的陆相成因类型原油;顺北白垩系原油与北部库车坳陷周缘的英买、大宛齐、大涝坝白垩系原油、库车河三叠系黄山街组泥质烃源岩具有较好的亲源性,指示油源来自库车坳陷三叠系黄山街组泥质烃源岩;白垩系原油热演化程度从大宛齐到英买再到顺北呈现出降低的趋势,推测顺北白垩系原油可能来源于库车坳陷三叠系烃源岩,生成的早期陆相油气沿白垩系优质砂体、T40不整合面、断裂由北向南远距离侧向运移。Abstract: The Cretaceous oil-bearing strata in the Tarim Basin have a good exploration potential. The Shunbei area has good oil and gas shows in the Cretaceous, and a small amount of crude oil has been obtained by testing. The geochemical characteristics of the Cretaceous crude oil as well as the oil-oil and oil-source correlations were studied systematically in order to determine the genesis types and sources of crude oil in the Shunbei area. The saturated hydrocarbon chromatogram of the Cretaceous crude oil in the Shunbei area shows a unimodal distribution. The n-alkanes are intact and the distribution is unchanged without any obvious "UCM". The Pr/Ph values of crude oil range 1.65-1.71. The C21TT/C23TT ratio is >1. In biomarkers, the hopane series are dominant and the ∑tricyclic terpanes/∑hopanes ratio is < 1. The gammacerane and triaryl stanine compounds are abundant, indicating that the crude oil of continental origin is well preserved. The Cretaceous crude oil in the Shunbei area and the Yingmai, Dawanqi and Dalaoba areas around the Kuqa Sag in the north, and the Triassic Huangshanjie mudstones in the Kuqa River area show similar m/z 191 biomarker patterns, which indicates that the crude oil was sourced from the Huangshanjie mudstones in the Kuqa Sag. The thermal evolution degrees of crude oil decrease from Dawanqi, Yingmai to Shunbei. We inferred that the early terrestrial hydrocarbon was sourced in the Triassic source rocks in the Kuqa Sag, and then migrated laterally from north to south through the Cretaceous sand bodies, the T40 unconformity surface and the faults.
Key words:
- terrestrial crude oil /
- oil source /
- accumulation model /
- Cretaceous /
- Shunbei area /
- Tarim Basin
表 1 塔里木盆地顺北及周缘地区白垩系、奥陶系原油性质统计
Table 1. Statistics of Cretaceous and Ordovician crude oil in Shunbei and adjacent areas, Tarim Basin
位置 井号 类型 层位 井段/m 密度/(g·cm-3) 族组分 全油同位素/‰ 饱和烃/% 芳香烃/% 非烃/% 沥青质/% 饱芳比 顺北油田 SHBP2H 油砂 K1s 3 805~3 826 72.77 16.31 4.77 6.15 4 -31.0 SHB1 原油 O 7 270~7 320 0.83 71.93 18.47 7.29 2.31 4 -32.5 SHB5 原油 O 7 314~7 651 0.83 80.05 7.35 2.89 9.71 11 -32.1 SHB51X 原油 O 7 554~7 876 0.80 73.39 8.63 17.18 0.80 9 -32.6 SHB53X 原油 O 7 740~8 362 0.80 82.07 11.75 3.03 3.15 7 塔河油田 T759-1 原油 K1kp 4 040~4 045 0.75 96.12 3.88 0 0 24.8 -31.8 TK929H 原油 K1s 4 138~4 143 72.52 17.57 6.01 3.89 4 -30.2 TP28XCX 原油 K1s 0.77 96.61 3.10 0.26 0.03 31 -31.8 KZ5-1 原油 K1s 4 045~4 160 0.82 74.50 16.58 5.99 2.93 4 -31.0 GK6 原油 K1s 3 745~3 751 0.82 72.77 16.31 4.77 6.15 4 -29.7 英买 YM9 原油 K1bs 4 945~4 956 0.84 -31.2 表 2 塔里木盆地顺北地区及周缘白垩系、奥陶系原油地化指标对比
Table 2. Geochemical biomarkers of Cretaceous and Ordovician crude oils in Shunbei and adjacent areas, Tarim Basin
位置 井位 层位 类型 Pr/Ph 规则甾烷含量/% d e f g/% h/% 类型 a b c 顺北油田 SHB5-1X K1s 原油 1.65 23.0 17.0 60.0 1.27 10.0 0.1 2.8 1.9 陆相 SHBP2H K1s 油砂 1.71 32.5 23.3 44.2 1.33 9.1 0.1 5.0 2.6 陆相 SHB5-1X O 原油 0.97 27.8 12.2 60.0 0.53 2.5 4.0 0 0 海相 SHB1 O 原油 0.96 33.2 15.3 51.6 0.53 2.0 7.7 0 0 海相 SHB5 O 原油 0.98 33.4 14.6 52.0 0.54 2.4 3.2 0 0 海相 英买 YM9 K 原油 2.20 30.0 23.0 47.0 >1 < 1 10.7 陆相 塔河油田 T759-1 K1s 原油 1.33 27.4 14.6 58.0 0.58 5.3 1.1 0 0.3 海相为主,混少量陆相原油 TP28XCX K1s 原油 1.24 32.6 20.8 46.6 0.59 15.6 1.9 0.5 0.6 海相为主,混少量陆相原油 注:a, b, c分别为aaaC27-20R、aaaC28-20R、aaaC29-20R规则甾烷;d.C21TT/C23TT;e.∑萜烷/∑甾烷;f.∑三环萜烷/∑霍烷;g.伽马蜡烷含量;h.三芳甾烷含量 -
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