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邓恩德 颜智华 姜秉仁 王冉

邓恩德, 颜智华, 姜秉仁, 王冉. 黔西地区上二叠统龙潭组海陆交互相页岩气储层特征[J]. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(3): 467-476. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202003467
引用本文: 邓恩德, 颜智华, 姜秉仁, 王冉. 黔西地区上二叠统龙潭组海陆交互相页岩气储层特征[J]. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(3): 467-476. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202003467
DENG Ende, YAN Zhihua, JIANG Bingren, WANG Ran. Reservoir characteristics of marine-continental shale gas in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, western Guizhou province[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2020, 42(3): 467-476. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202003467
Citation: DENG Ende, YAN Zhihua, JIANG Bingren, WANG Ran. Reservoir characteristics of marine-continental shale gas in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, western Guizhou province[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2020, 42(3): 467-476. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202003467


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202003467

国家科技重大专项 2016ZX05034004-007

贵州省科技支撑计划项目 黔科合支撑G[2020]2028号

贵州省地质勘查基金项目 2018-01号



  • 中图分类号: TE122.2

Reservoir characteristics of marine-continental shale gas in Upper Permian Longtan Formation, western Guizhou province

  • 摘要: 为研究上二叠统龙潭组海陆交互相页岩气储层发育特征,基于黔西地区龙潭组参数井钻井资料,系统采集泥页岩样品,运用X-衍射分析、有机地化、扫描电镜、氮吸附、含气量测定及等温吸附等实验手段,开展储层特征研究。该区龙潭组泥页岩具有单层薄、层数多、总厚大的特点,矿物成分主要为黏土矿物和石英,黏土矿物含量较高;干酪根显微组分主体上为镜质组,均为Ⅲ型干酪根,有机碳含量整体上大于3.0%,镜质体反射率(Ro)平均为1.01%,有机质成熟度偏低;储层整体上为超低孔、超低渗,孔隙类型为粒间孔、粒内孔、有机质孔和微裂缝,发育大量纳米级孔隙,以中孔为主,主要为细颈广体的墨水瓶型孔和狭缝型孔,比表面积和总孔体积较大,孔隙分形维数大,相关系数高,表明泥页岩表面粗糙程度大,连通性差,非均质性强。泥页岩现场解吸总含气量较高,吸附性能较强,且互层的煤层含气量高,资源潜力较大;具备良好的页岩气发育地质条件和富集空间,可选取有效的储层改造技术进行合层开采。


  • 图  1  黔西地区区域地质背景及YV-2井岩性柱状图

    Figure  1.  Regional geological background and lithology histogram of well YV-2 in western Guizhou province

    图  2  黔西地区龙潭组岩心样品铸体薄片鉴定

    Figure  2.  Identification of casting thin section of core samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    图  3  黔西地区龙潭组岩心样品全岩及黏土矿物含量分布

    Figure  3.  Percentage of total rock and clay mineral content of core samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    图  4  黔西地区龙潭组泥页岩样品有机碳含量频率分布

    Figure  4.  Frequency distribution of organic carbon content in shale samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    图  5  黔西地区龙潭组泥页岩孔隙度与TOC及矿物成分的关系

    Figure  5.  Relationship between shale porosity and TOC, mineral composition of Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    图  6  黔西地区龙潭组岩心样品微观孔隙类型及特征

    Figure  6.  Pore types and characteristics of shale samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    图  7  黔西地区龙潭组岩心样品吸附—脱附曲线

    Figure  7.  Adsorption and desorption curves of core samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    图  8  黔西地区龙潭组岩心样品孔径分布

    Figure  8.  Pore size distribution of core samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    图  9  黔西地区龙潭组泥页岩样品分形曲线

    Figure  9.  Fractal curves of shale samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    图  10  黔西地区龙潭组泥页岩样品甲烷吸附曲线

    Figure  10.  Methane adsorption isotherms for shale samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    表  1  黔西地区龙潭组泥页岩测试样品基本情况

    Table  1.   Information of shale test samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    样品编号 井名 岩性 w(TOC)/% Ro/% 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3μm2 吸附气含量/(m3•t-1)
    PG-1 HV-2 深灰色粉砂质泥岩 1.23 0.94
    PG-2 HV-2 黑色含碳泥岩 5.20 1.05 1.55 2.08
    PG-3 HV-2 深灰色粉砂质泥岩 1.86 1.28 2.26 0.000 878
    PG-4 HV-2 灰黑色泥岩 3.12 0.89
    PG-5 JV-3 深灰色泥岩 4.41 0.92 0.67 0.000 322 2.45
    PG-6 JV-3 灰黑色含碳页岩 7.99 0.90 3.09
    PG-7 JV-3 深灰色页岩 2.08 0.87 7.15 - 3.51
    PG-8 JV-3 黑色碳质页岩 8.64 1.02
    PG-9 JV-3 黑色碳质页岩 5.86 0.99 3.02 0.000 447
    PG-10 YV-2 深灰色粉砂质泥岩 3.88 1.09 3.39 0.001 065
    PG-11 YV-2 灰黑色粉砂质泥岩 6.53 1.22 4.19 - 3.53
    PG-12 YV-2 深灰色粉砂质泥岩 2.75 1.06
    PG-13 YV-2 深灰色泥岩 3.91 1.12
    PG-14 YV-2 深灰色泥岩 4.51 1.08 4.41
    PG-15 YV-3 深灰色泥岩 3.67 1.04
    PG-16 YV-3 深灰色粉砂质泥岩 4.19 1.09
    PG-17 YV-3 灰黑色泥岩 2.90 0.68 2.95
    PG-18 YV-3 深灰色粉砂质泥岩 3.15 0.96
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    表  2  黔西地区龙潭组岩心样品孔隙结构参数

    Table  2.   Pore structure parameters of core samples from Longtan Formation in western Guizhou province

    参数 PG-2 PG-3 PG-9 PG-10 PG-12 PG-13
    比表面积/(m2•g-1) 9.366 11.285 32.691 11.764 31.183 21.879
    总孔体积/(m3•g-1) 0.007 75 0.015 00 0.011 90 0.024 40 0.010 30 0.005 41
    平均孔直径/nm 4.42 5.92 3.10 8.46 2.87 2.72
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    表  3  基于氮气吸附法的泥页岩微观孔隙分形维数

    Table  3.   Fractal dimensions of micro pores in shale based on nitrogen adsorption

    样品编号 D1拟合方程 D1 相关系数R2 D2拟合方程 D2 相关系数R2
    PG-2 y=-0.164 4x+1.152 2.835 6 0.975 9 y =-0.232 6x+1.118 2 2.767 4 0.995 1
    PG-3 y=-0.331 1x+0.76 2.668 9 0.982 9 y=-0.431 2x+0.659 9 2.568 8 0.999 7
    PG-9 y=-0.103 6x+2.364 5 2.896 4 0.988 1 y=-0.159 7x+2.353 2 2.840 3 0.981 6
    PG-10 y=-0.275 3x+1.911 2.724 7 0.978 9 y=-0.420 8x+1.822 2 2.579 2 0.995 6
    PG-12 y=-0.082 9x+2.311 5 2.917 1 0.981 2 y=-0.141 7x+2.295 5 2.858 3 0.979 7
    PG-13 y=-0.074 4x+1.946 2 2.925 6 0.993 2 y=-0.136 3x+1.937 2.863 7 0.967 9
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