Comparison of oil-bearing properties and oil mobility of shale with different lithologies in continental basins: a case study of the upper fourth member of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
摘要: 根据矿物组成特征,将渤海湾盆地东营凹陷古近系沙河街组四段上亚段页岩划分为2类岩性:灰质泥岩和泥质灰岩。利用X衍射分析、镜下观察、地化分析、孔隙度测试及压汞分析等技术手段,探讨了该区不同岩性页岩在有机质丰度、含油性、储集性特征和页岩油可动条件方面的差异。灰质泥岩比泥质灰岩具有相对更高的有机质丰度和更好的含油性;灰质泥岩具有相对较高的孔隙度,但孔喉一般偏小,而泥质灰岩孔隙度相对较低,但大孔隙喉道更为发育。从含油饱和度指数、矿物对原油的吸附能力、黏土矿物的转化程度方面比较灰质泥岩和泥质灰岩中页岩油的可动性,认为泥质灰岩中的页岩油比灰质泥岩中的页岩油具有更好的可动性条件。Abstract: The shale in the upper part of the 4th member of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Dongying Sag of Bohai Bay Basin can be divided into two lithology types: calcareous mudstone and argillaceous limestone. The differences of organic matter abundance, oil-bearing properties, reservoir properties and movable shale oil in the different lithologies were investigated using X-ray diffraction, microscopic observation, geochemical analysis, porosity tests and mercury injection. The calcareous mudstone has relatively higher organic matter abundance and better oil-bearing properties than the calcareous mudstone. The calcareous mudstone has relatively higher porosity, but the pore throats are generally smaller, while the argillaceous limestone porosity is relatively lower with more large pore throats. The shale oil mobility in the calcareous mudstone and argillaceous limestone was compared using the oil saturation index, mineral adsorption capacity for crude oil and clay mineral transformation degree. The shale oil in the argillaceous limestone has better mobility than the shale oil in the calcareous mudstone.
Key words:
- continental shale /
- shale oil /
- oil-bearing property /
- mobility /
- migmatite /
- Dongying Sag /
- Bohai Bay Basin
图 2 渤海湾盆地东营凹陷页岩有机质和不同矿物的依存关系
a.灰质泥岩,牛页1井,3 374.19 m,单偏光,深褐色为黏土矿物与有机质混合层;b.泥质灰岩,牛页1井,3 318 m,单偏光,亮色为方解石层,褐色为黏土矿物与有机质混合层;c和d分别为纯372井页岩单偏光和荧光原位对比照片,c中的深褐色对应d中的橙黄色荧光,为黏土和富有机质层,荧光分布均匀,很难识别出藻类残体结构,可能因藻类为菌类进一步改造,以菌类为主,c中的亮白色对应d中的弱荧光部分,为原生方解石层;e和f分别为纯372井2 568 m页岩的单偏光和荧光原位对比照片,e中的黄褐色层对应f中的高强度亮绿色荧光部分,为黏土与有机质的富集层,亮绿色荧光部分为藻类富集带,e中的蓝色部分对应f中荧光较弱区域,为原生方解石薄层,弱荧光来自于有机质富集层烃类的侵染
Figure 2. Occurrence of organic matter in different mineral layers in shale, Bohai Bay Basin
图 5 渤海湾盆地东营凹陷页岩不同矿物中孔隙发育特征
a.牛872井,3 199.4 m,与碳酸盐矿物薄层相比,泥质薄层内发育更多的孔隙,孔隙多为有机质充填;b.王584井,3 608.7 m,中间的泥质条带比两侧的碳酸盐条带中发育更多的孔隙;c.利页1井,3 672.86 m,页岩中的方解石夹层,发育大量溶蚀孔,孔壁圆滑;d.利89井,3 387 m,页岩中的白云岩夹层,晶间孔、缝发育,孔缝溶蚀扩大化,形成有效的孔缝连通的网络体系
Figure 5. Pore characteristics of different minerals in shale, Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
表 1 渤海湾盆地东营凹陷沙四上亚段页岩全岩矿物组成统计
Table 1. Whole rock mineral composition of shale in upper Es4 in Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
% 矿物 含量 平均值 黏土 3~73 24 石英 0~66 28.5 长石 0~42 4.9 方解石 0~89 33.9 白云石 0~87 7.8 菱铁矿 0~12 0.3 黄铁矿 0~14 2.3 -
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