Characteristics and sedimentary environment of organic-rich shale in the second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Subei Basin
摘要: 苏北盆地古近系阜宁组二段(E1f2)发育两套富有机质页岩,分布广泛,油气显示丰富,页岩油形成条件有利。通过对大量岩心及薄片的观察,结合系统的有机地球化学、全岩X-衍射及微量元素测试资料,研究了苏北盆地E1f2两套富有机质页岩特征及沉积环境。苏北盆地E1f2两套富有机质页岩特征截然不同,其中第一页岩层(E1f2页1)以深灰色块状含灰泥岩和硅质泥岩为主,微显层理;页岩有机碳含量平均介于2.21%~3.41%,有机质类型以Ⅰ型为主。第二页岩层(E1f2页2)为灰黑色油页岩与纹层状含云、含灰泥岩、泥云岩、泥灰岩互层,纹层发育,有机碳含量平均介于2.02%~2.99%,有机质类型以Ⅰ型为主。苏北盆地E1f2沉积古气候经历了自半干热、还原、半咸水环境向干热、强还原、盐湖环境,再向温湿、氧化、淡水环境演化的过程;富有机质页岩形成于强还原、干热、咸水环境向氧化、温湿、正常淡水环境过渡的最大湖泛面附近,其中E1f2页2形成于强还原、干热的咸水—盐湖环境,E1f2页1形成于强还原、半潮湿—半干热的半咸水环境。沉积环境演化,造就了E1f2泥页岩层间及富有机质页岩内部岩性、电性及烃源岩品质的差异。Abstract: Two sets of organic-rich shales are developed in the second member of Funing Formation (E1f2) in the Subei Basin, which are E1f2shale 1 and E1f2shale 2. They are widely distributed, with rich shows and favorable shale oil conditions. Based on core and thin section observations, and combined with systematic organic geochemistry, X-ray diffraction and trace element analyses, the characteristics and sedimentary environment of the organic-rich shales were studied. The characteristics of the E1f2shale 1 and E1f2shale 2 are totally different. The E1f2shale 1 mainly consists of dark gray blocky limestones and siliceous mudstones, with slight bedding, 2.21%-3.41% organic carbon content, and type I organic matter. The E1f2shale 2 mainly consists of dark oil shales and dolomitic mudstones, calcite mudstones, muddy dolomites and muddy limestones, with laminar bedding, 2.02%-2.99% organic carbon content, and type I organic matter. The sedimentary palaeo climate of E1f2 has experienced semi-arid, reducing, brackish water, to dry, strongly reducing, salt lake, and to warm humid, oxic, freshwater in the Subei Basin. The organic-rich shales were formed in the transition formations near the maximum flooding surface, between strongly reducing, dry and hot, saltwater environments and oxic, humid, normal water environment. The E1f2shale 2 was formed in a strongly reducing, dry and hot, salt lake environment, while the E1f2shale 1 was deposited in a strongly reducing, damp to semi-arid and brackish water environment. Sedimentary environment evolution resulted in the differences of lithology, electrical properties, and quality of hydrocarbon source rocks, occurring in the muddy shale interlayer and internal organic-rich shale.
Key words:
- organic-rich shale /
- sedimentary environment /
- shale oil /
- second member of Funing Formation /
- Paleogene /
- Subei Basin
图 2 苏北盆地E1f2富有机质页岩典型照片
Figure 2. Photographs of organic-rich shales in the second member of Funing Formation, Subei Basin
表 1 苏北盆地阜宁组二段页岩关键参数
Table 1. Key parameters for shales in the second member of Funing Formation, Subei Basin
地层 岩性 有机地球化学参数 关键矿物含量/% 沉积环境参数 w(TOC)/% 沥青“A”/% S1/(mg·g-1) 铁白云石 黄铁矿 石膏 Sr/Cu Sr/Ba V/Cr 泥脖子 灰色块状泥岩 1.50 0.03 0.02 1.27 1.25 0.02 10.12 19.74 0.51 1.01 1.41 1.77 E1f2页1 深灰色层—块状含灰泥岩 2.25 0.19 0.50 1.36 1.51 0.03 7.59 18.35 0.62 0.83 1.06 1.59 E1f2页2 灰黑色油页岩与纹层状含云/含灰泥岩、泥云岩、泥灰岩 2.02 0.22 0.50 8.13 0.89 1.76 44.72 100.84 2.13 3.49 1.61 2.86 E1f2页3 灰黑色层—块状云灰质泥岩夹泥灰岩 1.29 0.16 0.32 17.07 1.42 0.86 26.63 35.46 2.31 3.17 1.57 2.20 E1f2页4 灰黑色层—块状含云泥岩、泥云岩 1.00 0.05 0.25 7.57 1.15 0.41 25.55 2.21 1.48 E1f2页5 灰黑色层—块状云灰质泥岩、泥云岩 0.96 0.10 0.16 8.71 1.61 0.88 25.38 14.39 2.02 1.90 1.63 1.62 资料来源 高邮凹陷 高邮凹陷 高邮凹陷 高邮凹陷 金湖凹陷 高邮凹陷 金湖凹陷 高邮凹陷 金湖凹陷 表 2 苏北盆地E1f2页2富有机质页岩特征
Table 2. Characteristics of organic-rich E1f2shale 2, Subei Basin
% 井号 井段/m 岩性 w(TOC) 石英 长石 方解石 铁白云石 黄铁矿 黏土总量 备注 HX4 2 302.55 纹层状云岩 2.95 25.8 3.1 67.3 3.8 高阻段 2 302.62 纹层状云岩 2.73 22.3 2.5 6.9 59.3 9.0 2 302.75 含灰页岩 3.37 29.8 6.7 21.7 0.0 41.8 2 302.90 页岩 1.96 27.2 4.6 2.6 1.9 5.3 58.4 2 303.00 页岩 1.72 21.1 4.4 4.3 3.0 7.3 59.9 2 303.30 灰质页岩 1.41 16.5 2.0 45.1 11.9 6.9 16.8 2 303.40 页岩 1.52 20.5 6.7 9.7 7.9 4.1 51.5 低阻段 2 303.90 含云含灰页岩 4.24 16.8 4.2 20.1 15.9 4.1 38.9 2 304.20 页岩 2.53 20.8 12.8 3.7 11.1 51.6 2 304.60 页岩 2.29 18.1 6.0 2.2 12.8 6.2 54.7 2 304.80 含云页岩 2.36 14.2 6.5 7.0 21.3 52 高阻段 2 305.65 含云页岩 3.03 20.7 7.9 7.8 18.9 44.7 2 306.10 纹层状云岩 2.82 10.8 1.0 4.0 58.3 25.9 2 306.50 页岩 3.79 26.1 11.9 0.0 10.5 51.5 低阻段 2 306.70 含云页岩 1.99 21.1 7.7 0.0 20.3 50.9 2 307.95 含云页岩 1.41 16.2 4.6 6.8 19.8 52.6 2 308.90 灰质页岩 3.72 30.2 5.7 27.3 6.3 30.3 高阻段 W1 1 709.56 纹层状云岩 3.25 13.5 3.8 0.4 41.5 0.5 37.9 暗色纹层 1 709.56 纹层状云岩 1.43 14.9 2.1 56.7 4.4 20.5 浅色纹层 XYX1 1 690.78 纹层状云岩 1.74 7.7 79.2 13.1 浅灰绿色纹层 1 690.78 纹层状云岩 4.26 12.0 1.2 1.4 73.8 11.6 浅灰白色纹层 1 690.78 纹层状云岩 7.41 24.6 13.9 3.4 25.1 29.6 黑色纹层 表 3 苏北盆地E1f2富有机质页岩沉积环境参数
Table 3. Sedimentary environment parameters of organic-rich shales in the second member of Funing Formation, Subei Basin
层位 地区 古氧化还原环境 古气候Sr/Cu 古盐度 古水深Sr/Ca V/Cr V/(V+Ni) 盐度/‰ Sr/Ba Sr/(μg·g-1) B/(μg·g-1) B/Ga E1f2页1 金湖 1.59 0.68 18.35 15.58 0.83 376.90 84.15 4.17 65.22 高邮 1.06 0.63 7.59 30.26 0.62 381.00 107.00 5.61 48.79 强还原 强还原 半潮湿—半干燥 半咸水—咸水 半咸水 半咸水 咸水—盐湖 咸水—盐湖 相对较深 E1f2页2 金湖 2.86 0.83 100.84 30.72 3.49 567.00 78.00 4.76 48.39 高邮 1.61 0.67 44.72 2.13 65.64 2.64 强还原 强还原 干燥 咸水 咸水—盐湖 咸水 咸水 咸水—盐湖 相对较浅 高阻段(金湖) 1.39 0.71 23.89 24.01 1.16 741.00 36.20 2.49 38.27 1.48 0.67 11.85 55.30 1.11 576.60 106.10 7.70 35.37 强还原 强还原 干燥 咸水—盐水 咸水—盐湖 咸水 盐水 咸水—盐水 相对较浅 低阻段(金湖) 1.92 0.75 12.80 12.85 0.59 383.80 91.50 3.95 83.18 强还原 强还原 干燥 半咸水 淡水 半咸水 咸水 咸水 相对较深 -
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