Shale oil accumulation conditions in the second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin
摘要: 碳酸盐岩夹层型页岩油为苏北盆地页岩油勘探的主要类型之一,高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带是阜宁组二段(E1f2)碳酸盐岩夹层型页岩油勘探的有利区。为进一步明确高邮凹陷E1f2页岩油“甜点”层段,运用扫描电镜、高温压汞、氮气吸附、CT扫描、X衍射、三轴力学、多温阶热解等多种研究方法,对比分析了E1f2各页岩段的源岩品质、储层品质、工程条件及可动性。E1f2页1、E1f2页2为干热还原咸水的沉积环境,发育优质页岩;有机质丰度较高,平均有机碳含量分别为2.33%和1.63%,干酪根类型以Ⅰ、Ⅱ1为主,生烃条件最为有利;黏土矿物层片间孔较发育,储集空间以宏孔、裂缝为主;E1f2页1—E1f2页5脆性矿物含量在59.1%~63.6%,黏土矿物以伊/蒙混层和伊利石为主,E1f2页2脆性指数最高为64.25%;在埋深大于3 500 m的范围内伊蒙混层向伊利石转化明显,页岩脆性及可压裂改造条件更好。高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带E1f2页1、E1f2页2页岩层段是下一步苏北盆地页岩油勘探方向之一。Abstract: "Carbonate sandwich shale oil" is a main exploration target in the Subei Basin. The deep depression-inner slope zone of the Gaoyou Sag is a favorable area for the exploration of "carbonate sandwich shale oil" in the second member of Funing Formation (E1f2). The source rock and reservoir quality, engineering conditions and movability of each shale section of E1f2 were analyzed in order to further clarify "sweet spot" sections by using scanning electron microscopy, mercury intrusion at elevated temperature, nitrogen adsorption, CT scanning, X-ray diffraction, triaxial mechanics, multi-temperature pyrolysis and other research methods. The E1f2shale1 and E1f2shale2 in the deep depression-inner slope zone of Gaoyou Sag were deposited in a dry, hot, reducing and brackish water environment, developing favorable shale with high organic matter content. The TOC contents are 2.33% and 1.63%, respectively Kerogens are mainly of types Ⅰ and Ⅱ1, with the most favorable conditions for hydrocarbon generation. The interlamellar pores were well developed, and the reservoir space is dominated by macropores and fractures. The brittle mineral content of E1f2shale1 to E1f2shale5 is 59.1%-63.6%, and the clay minerals are dominated by illite/montmorillonite mixed layer and illite. The brittleness index of E1f2shale2 is 64.25% at most. In the range of burial depth greater than 3 500 m, the conversion of the illite/montmorillonite mixed layer to illite is obvious, and the shale brittleness and fracturing transformation conditions are better. The E1f2shale1 and E1f2shale2 in the deep depression-inner slope zone of Gaoyou Sag are exploration directions for shale oil in the Subei Basin.
图 2 苏北盆地高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带阜宁组二段各页岩段储集空间及类型
a.扫描电镜,H2井,E1f2页2,黏土矿物片间孔,孔径为0.97 μm;b.扫描电镜,H28井,E1f2页2,黏土矿物片间孔,孔径为0.23~2.08 μm;c.扫描电镜,H2井,E1f2页2,白云石晶间孔,孔径为0.31~1.62 μm;d.扫描电镜,H28井,E1f2页1,黄铁矿晶间孔,孔径为0.5~1 μm;e.扫描电镜,D1井,E1f2页2,方解石晶内溶孔,孔径为0.5~1 μm;f.扫描电镜,H2井,E1f2页2,有机质孔,孔径为1~8.2 μm;g.CT扫描,H2井,E1f2页2,云质含量高页理较发育,孔隙呈层状展布,孔隙度3.11%;h.CT扫描,HX28井,E1f2页1,块样,孔隙呈层聚集状分布,孔隙度5.11%;i.岩心,HX28井,E1f2页1,顺层缝,裂缝含油;j.岩心,FSX1井,E1f2页4,正向剪切缝含油;k.岩心,H2井,E1f2页2,纹层状—薄层状云质泥岩;l.普通薄片,HX28井,E1f2页1,平行层理微裂缝6条,裂缝极宽大,开度20~30 μm;m.普通薄片,HX2井,E1f2页2,大量树根状、水波纹状裂缝,开度10~40 μm;n.荧光薄片,H2井,E1f2页2,溶蚀裂缝充填硅质和暗色有机质,开度20~100 μm;o.普通薄片,WX6井,E1f2页2,发育平行层理微裂缝,开度50~ 200 μm;p.铸体薄片,H2井,E1f2页2,构造—溶蚀裂缝,开度10~60 μm
Figure 2. Reservoir space and type of each shale member of E1f2 in deep depression-inner slope zone of Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin
表 1 苏北盆地高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带阜宁组二段综合评价
Table 1. Comprehensive evaluation of E1f2 in deep depression-inner slope zone of Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin
层位 碳酸盐岩夹层厚度/m w(TOC)/% 氯仿沥青“A”/% S1/(mg·g-1) (S1+S2)/(mg·g-1) S1/w(TOC)/(mg·g-1) Tmax/℃ 孔隙度/% 脆性矿物/% 脆性系数/% E1f2页1 5~15 2.33 0.44 0.77 10.68 0.32 444 3.21 63.4 44.39 E1f2页2 5~10 1.63 0.18 0.30 7.55 0.17 443 3.20 60.1 64.25 E1f2页3 5~10 0.97 0.09 0.08 5.22 0.05 437 2.98 60.5 42.38 E1f2页4 5~10 1.24 0.17 0.55 6.63 0.36 440 1.30 63.6 46.94 E1f2页5 5~10 0.83 0.13 0.21 2.56 0.19 429 1.70 59.1 46.75 注:表中数值为平均值。 -
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