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付茜 刘启东 刘世丽 段宏亮

付茜, 刘启东, 刘世丽, 段宏亮. 苏北盆地高邮凹陷古近系阜宁组二段页岩油成藏条件分析[J]. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(4): 625-631. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202004625
引用本文: 付茜, 刘启东, 刘世丽, 段宏亮. 苏北盆地高邮凹陷古近系阜宁组二段页岩油成藏条件分析[J]. 石油实验地质, 2020, 42(4): 625-631. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202004625
FU Qian, LIU Qidong, LIU Shili, DUAN Hongliang. Shale oil accumulation conditions in the second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2020, 42(4): 625-631. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202004625
Citation: FU Qian, LIU Qidong, LIU Shili, DUAN Hongliang. Shale oil accumulation conditions in the second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2020, 42(4): 625-631. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202004625


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202004625

国家科技重大专项“高邮—金湖凹陷区页岩油资源潜力与地质评价研究” 2017ZX05049001-005

中国石化科技部项目“苏北盆地致密油形成条件与勘探潜力评价” P18060—4


    付茜(1991-), 女, 助理研究员, 从事非常规油气勘探研究。E-mail: 1084202520@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TE132.8

Shale oil accumulation conditions in the second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin

  • 摘要: 碳酸盐岩夹层型页岩油为苏北盆地页岩油勘探的主要类型之一,高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带是阜宁组二段(E1f2)碳酸盐岩夹层型页岩油勘探的有利区。为进一步明确高邮凹陷E1f2页岩油“甜点”层段,运用扫描电镜、高温压汞、氮气吸附、CT扫描、X衍射、三轴力学、多温阶热解等多种研究方法,对比分析了E1f2各页岩段的源岩品质、储层品质、工程条件及可动性。E1f2页1、E1f2页2为干热还原咸水的沉积环境,发育优质页岩;有机质丰度较高,平均有机碳含量分别为2.33%和1.63%,干酪根类型以Ⅰ、Ⅱ1为主,生烃条件最为有利;黏土矿物层片间孔较发育,储集空间以宏孔、裂缝为主;E1f2页1—E1f2页5脆性矿物含量在59.1%~63.6%,黏土矿物以伊/蒙混层和伊利石为主,E1f2页2脆性指数最高为64.25%;在埋深大于3 500 m的范围内伊蒙混层向伊利石转化明显,页岩脆性及可压裂改造条件更好。高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带E1f2页1、E1f2页2页岩层段是下一步苏北盆地页岩油勘探方向之一。


  • 图  1  苏北盆地高邮凹陷阜宁组二段富有机质页岩沉积环境

    Figure  1.  Sedimentary environment of E1f2 organic-rich shale in Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin

    图  2  苏北盆地高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带阜宁组二段各页岩段储集空间及类型

    a.扫描电镜,H2井,E1f2页2,黏土矿物片间孔,孔径为0.97 μm;b.扫描电镜,H28井,E1f2页2,黏土矿物片间孔,孔径为0.23~2.08 μm;c.扫描电镜,H2井,E1f2页2,白云石晶间孔,孔径为0.31~1.62 μm;d.扫描电镜,H28井,E1f2页1,黄铁矿晶间孔,孔径为0.5~1 μm;e.扫描电镜,D1井,E1f2页2,方解石晶内溶孔,孔径为0.5~1 μm;f.扫描电镜,H2井,E1f2页2,有机质孔,孔径为1~8.2 μm;g.CT扫描,H2井,E1f2页2,云质含量高页理较发育,孔隙呈层状展布,孔隙度3.11%;h.CT扫描,HX28井,E1f2页1,块样,孔隙呈层聚集状分布,孔隙度5.11%;i.岩心,HX28井,E1f2页1,顺层缝,裂缝含油;j.岩心,FSX1井,E1f2页4,正向剪切缝含油;k.岩心,H2井,E1f2页2,纹层状—薄层状云质泥岩;l.普通薄片,HX28井,E1f2页1,平行层理微裂缝6条,裂缝极宽大,开度20~30 μm;m.普通薄片,HX2井,E1f2页2,大量树根状、水波纹状裂缝,开度10~40 μm;n.荧光薄片,H2井,E1f2页2,溶蚀裂缝充填硅质和暗色有机质,开度20~100 μm;o.普通薄片,WX6井,E1f2页2,发育平行层理微裂缝,开度50~ 200 μm;p.铸体薄片,H2井,E1f2页2,构造—溶蚀裂缝,开度10~60 μm

    Figure  2.  Reservoir space and type of each shale member of E1f2 in deep depression-inner slope zone of Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin

    图  3  苏北盆地高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带阜宁组二段各页岩段孔径大小及孔隙类型

    Figure  3.  Pore size and type of each shale member of E1f2 in deep depression-inner slope zone of Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin

    图  4  苏北盆地高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带阜组二段页岩黏土矿物组成

    Figure  4.  Clay mineral composition of E1f2 in deep depression-inner slope zone of Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin

    表  1  苏北盆地高邮凹陷深凹—内坡带阜宁组二段综合评价

    Table  1.   Comprehensive evaluation of E1f2 in deep depression-inner slope zone of Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin

    层位 碳酸盐岩夹层厚度/m w(TOC)/% 氯仿沥青“A”/% S1/(mg·g-1) (S1+S2)/(mg·g-1) S1/w(TOC)/(mg·g-1) Tmax/℃ 孔隙度/% 脆性矿物/% 脆性系数/%
    E1f2页1 5~15 2.33 0.44 0.77 10.68 0.32 444 3.21 63.4 44.39
    E1f2页2 5~10 1.63 0.18 0.30 7.55 0.17 443 3.20 60.1 64.25
    E1f2页3 5~10 0.97 0.09 0.08 5.22 0.05 437 2.98 60.5 42.38
    E1f2页4 5~10 1.24 0.17 0.55 6.63 0.36 440 1.30 63.6 46.94
    E1f2页5 5~10 0.83 0.13 0.21 2.56 0.19 429 1.70 59.1 46.75
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