Acquisition of "ZHU Xia's discussion on China's petroleum basin": Commemorating the 100th birthday of Mr. ZHU Xia
摘要: 朱夏先生既是一位理论造诣深厚的石油地质学家,又是一位具有丰富实践经验的油气勘探工作者,是我国含油气盆地研究的创导者、石油地质学奠基人之一。简要回顾了朱夏先生的核心学术思想,总结了近30年来,国内部分学者通过学习、继承和发展朱夏先生学术思想,提出的一系列含油气盆地研究的创新性工作方法及认识,包括笔者对盆地波动过程和油气成藏体系等分析方法的探索。展望未来,指出石油地质学所面临的关键科学问题,包括全球性的和中国特殊地质背景的科学问题,认为继续学习、继承和发展朱夏先生学术思想,必将对我国石油地质理论和实践发展产生深远影响。Abstract: Mr. ZHU Xia is a petroleum geologist with profound attainments in theoretical science and an oil and gas prospector with rich practical experience. He is one of the pioneers of petroliferous basin research and one of the founders of petroleum geology in China. This article gives a brief review of Mr. ZHU Xia's core academic thoughts, and summarizes a series of innovative work methods and understanding put forward by some domestic scholars in studying, inheriting and developing Mr. ZHU Xia's academic thoughts in the past 30 years, including the author's works in basin evolution processes and hydrocarbon accumulation system analyses. Looking forward to the future, it is pointed out that the key scientific issues facing petroleum geology include the global and China's special geological background. It will definitely contribute to the development of China's petroleum geology theory and practice by studying, inheriting and developing Mr. ZHU Xia's academic thoughts.
Key words:
- ZHU Xia /
- petroliferous basin /
- basin analysis /
- petroleum accumulation system /
- petroleum geology
图 1 朱夏提出的盆地系统(运动体制)的程式[4]
程式左边代表全球构造体制(GT)在不同阶段(A.全球古构造;i.过渡阶段;N.新全球构造)所控制的三大要素(3T:time,tectonic setting,thermal regime)。在此制约下,盆地(B)有几种不同沉降机制形成的原型(P)在时空上组合而成的。由此,程式右列表达了盆地形成中各原型的地质作用(4S:subsidence, sedimentation, stress condition, style)及其并列迭加所控制的油气条件(4M:material,maturity,migration,maintenance)。通过所有这些因素、作用和条件的分析和综合,才能在具体油气勘查中,从盆地整体出发,循序渐进,预测油气资源(HC)的存在位置(L)和潜在数量(Q)。程式中,a…f代表古生代(包括过渡阶段)盆地原型,A…G代表中、新生代盆地原型。
Figure 1. Formula of a basin system (movement system) proposed by ZHU Xia
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