Research progress and challenges of thermal history reconstruction in sedimentary basins
摘要: 系统介绍了沉积盆地热历史研究方法的现状和进展。沉积盆地热史重建方法主要包括古温标方法和地球动力学方法两大类,前者主要是从盆地的尺度来进行研究,后者则是从岩石圈的尺度来研究盆地的热历史。古温标方法主要包括了有机质成熟度指标和低温热年代学参数,由于可以通过实测数据来检验模拟结果,因而被认为是研究精度较高且切实可行的方法;实际工作中,一般采用多种古温标耦合反演热历史以提高模拟结果的精度和可靠性。针对多期构造演化盆地,可以结合多种古温标耦合反演和地球动力学正演方法进行相互补充和验证,从而实现定量恢复古老盆地复杂热历史。同时,盆地热史在研究构造抬升作用下的页岩气保存、盆山构造—热演化耦合作用等方面提供了重要的方法技术。目前,针对深层—超深层、海相层系和古老层系的热史重建仍存在诸多问题和挑战。Abstract: The current status and development of the methods of thermal history reconstruction in sedimentary basins are introduced systematically in this paper. The reconstruction methods of thermal history of sedimentary basins mainly include thermal indicators and geodynamic methods. The former mainly considers thermal history at the basin scale; however, the latter uses thermal history of the basin on the scale of the lithosphere. Thermal indicators mainly include the maturity index of organic matter and low temperature thermochronology parameters. The thermal indicator method is considered to be feasible with high precision, because the simulation results can be verified by measured data. In actual work, a variety of thermal indicators are generally used to couple the inversion of thermal history to improve the accuracy and reliability of the simulation results. For basins with various tectonic evolution stages, the thermal indicator method and the geodynamic method can complement and verify each other, thereby realizing quantitative restoration of the complex thermal history of ancient basins. At the same time, the thermal history of basins provides an important method and technology for the study of shale gas preservation during tectonic uplift and basin-mountain tectono-thermal evolution coupling. At present, there are still many problems and challenges in the reconstruction of thermal history of deep and ultra-deep strata, marine strata and ancient strata.
图 2 塔里木盆地志留系典型样品(KQ1井, 2 593.8 m, S1t)热史路径模拟结果[46]
利用蒙特卡洛随机反演方法模拟了1 000条热史路径,其中60条是可接受的路径(细线),10条是好的路径(较粗的线),最粗的线代表了最佳温度路径。
a.锆石He扩散剖面, GOF代表拟合度;b.模拟的磷灰石裂变径迹长度分布;c.测试AFT年龄;d.实测AFT长度Figure 2. Thermal history path simulation results of typical samples of the Silurian in Tarim Basin (well KQ1, 2 593.8 m, S1t)
图 3 莺歌海盆地基底热流新生代随时间的演化[92]
Figure 3. Evolution of basement heat flow in Yinggehai Basin during the Cenozoic
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