CNPC oil and gas resource potential and exploration target selection
摘要: 随着油气勘探工作的不断深入,勘探难度日益加大、勘探对象和资源赋存条件更加复杂,更加亟需明确油气勘探现状与挑战,评价国内常规与非常规油气资源潜力,明确剩余油气资源分布特点,评价落实重点勘探领域与有利勘探区带,夯实油气资源家底。中国石油天然气集团有限公司面对新形势、新要求,提出五大举措强力推进油气勘探,取得了10项战略发现和10项重大突破,中西部地区集中勘探落实了15个规模储量区,油气探明储量持续保持高位增长。梳理了中国石油近十年来油气油气勘探形势、挑战及重要举措,分析了中国石油剩余油气资源潜力及分布状况,论述了中国石油探区未来油气勘探重点领域、方向和区带,明确提出深层海相碳酸盐岩、岩性地层、前陆冲断带下组合以及页岩油等四大领域是未来油气勘探突破发现和规模增储的重点。Abstract: Exploration and development of oil and gas is becoming increasingly difficult, and exploration targets and resource occurrence conditions are becoming more complex. Therefore, it is urgent to clarify the current situation and challenges of oil and gas exploration to evaluate the potential of domestic conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources, to illuminate the distribution characteristics of the remaining oil and gas resources, to evaluate and implement key exploration areas and favorable exploration zones, and to consolidate domestic oil and gas resources. In face of the new situation and new requirements, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has proposed five measures to strongly support oil and gas exploration. They have made 10 strategic discoveries and 10 major breakthroughs, and explored 15 large-scale reserves distributed in the central and western regions in China. Furthermore, proven reserves of oil and gas continued to grow at a high level. In this study, we summarized the oil-and-gas exploration situation, challenges and important measures of CNPC in the past ten years, and analyzed the potential and distribution of CNPC remaining oil and gas resources. The key areas and directions for oil-and-gas explorations of CNPC were discussed. It is indicated that the four areas of deep marine carbonate, lithologic strata, the lower reservoir-forming combination in the foreland thrust belt and shale oil are still the key points for breakthrough discoveries of future oil and gas exploration and large-scale reserves growth.
Key words:
- oil and gas resource /
- exploration situation /
- remaining resource potential /
- exploration target /
表 1 不同盆地中国石油矿权区非常规油气剩余资源分布
Table 1. Distribution of remaining unconventional oil and gas resources in CNPC's mining areas in different basins
盆地 非常规油剩余资源/108 t 非常规气剩余资源/1012 m3 致密油 页岩油 致密砂岩气 页岩气 松辽 16.37 54.44 1.68 渤海湾 9.68 27.09 0.24 0.07 鄂尔多斯 34.90 59.49 8.48 四川 1.54 19.44 2.13 28.01 塔里木 1.20 7.92 准噶尔 24.88 柴达木 3.64 5.93 0.13 三塘湖 1.06 3.95 吐哈 0.50 酒泉 1.12 雅布赖 1.64 其他 1.11 0.26 0.36 3.38 合计 68.29 198.23 14.72 39.39 表 2 中国石油矿权区陆上常规油气资源分布
Table 2. Distribution of onshore conventional oil and gas resources in CNPC's mining areas
领域 石油地质资源/108 t 天然气地质资源/1012 m3 探明储量 剩余资源 总资源量 探明储量 剩余资源 总资源量 岩性地层—碎屑岩 81.94 123.68 205.62 5 089.55 27 666.75 32 694.01 复杂构造—碎屑岩 92.1 72.65 164.75 3 238.80 30 303.50 33 564.85 海相碳酸盐岩 6.58 20.89 27.47 29 105.92 150 976.57 179 895.59 前陆冲断带潜山 9.03 24.59 33.62 13 609.54 53 421.33 67 030.80 渤海湾前古近系 10 14.34 24.34 561.38 6 690.09 7 228.92 复杂岩性 火山岩及变质岩 1.48 4.54 6.02 4 364.76 20 478.36 24 843.12 海相碎屑岩 1.88 2.68 4.57 781.05 790.33 1 571.38 湖相碳酸盐岩 0.66 2.45 3.05 4.15 1 314.27 1 318.42 合计 203.62 265.83 469.44 56 755.15 291 641.19 348 147.15 表 3 页岩油原位转化先导试验区优选关键参数和标准
Table 3. Optimized key parameters and criteria for pilot test area of in situ conversion of shale oil
参数名称 工业开发区参数标准 先导试验区优选参数标准 w(TOC)/% >6 >18 Ro/% 0.5~1.0 0.5~0.9 连续厚度/m >15 >18 埋深/m < 3 000 < 2 000 封闭性 上下遮挡层厚度>2 m 上下遮挡层厚度>2 m 地层水情况 无活动水,含水率 < 5% 无活动水,含水率 < 3% -
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