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钱一雄 储呈林 李曰俊 王毅 张仲培 杨鑫 李王鹏 马红强 陈跃 邵志兵 庄新兵

钱一雄, 储呈林, 李曰俊, 王毅, 张仲培, 杨鑫, 李王鹏, 马红强, 陈跃, 邵志兵, 庄新兵. 浅变质泥页岩的基本特征及环境分析——以阿尔金红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面新元古界冰沟南组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(2): 193-207. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102193
引用本文: 钱一雄, 储呈林, 李曰俊, 王毅, 张仲培, 杨鑫, 李王鹏, 马红强, 陈跃, 邵志兵, 庄新兵. 浅变质泥页岩的基本特征及环境分析——以阿尔金红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面新元古界冰沟南组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(2): 193-207. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102193
QIAN Yixiong, CHU Chenglin, LI Yuejun, WANG Yi, ZHANG Zhongpei, YANG Xin, LI Wangpeng, MA Hongqiang, CHEN Yue, SHAO Zhibing, ZHUANG Xinbing. Characteristics and environment indication of mud shale undergone low temperature metamorphism: a case study of Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, Altyn Tagh fault[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(2): 193-207. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102193
Citation: QIAN Yixiong, CHU Chenglin, LI Yuejun, WANG Yi, ZHANG Zhongpei, YANG Xin, LI Wangpeng, MA Hongqiang, CHEN Yue, SHAO Zhibing, ZHUANG Xinbing. Characteristics and environment indication of mud shale undergone low temperature metamorphism: a case study of Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, Altyn Tagh fault[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(2): 193-207. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102193


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102193

国家重点研发计划“中新元古界微生物碳酸盐岩沉积环境与成储机制” 2017YFC0603103

中国石化科技部项目“塔里木盆地新元古界—寒武系沉积特征与源储条件” P17046-4


    钱一雄(1962—), 男, 博士, 研究员, 从事沉积与储层研究。E-mail: qyx9167@vip.sina.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.221

Characteristics and environment indication of mud shale undergone low temperature metamorphism: a case study of Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, Altyn Tagh fault

  • 摘要: 阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面的新元古界冰沟南组泥页岩发育于被动大陆边缘盆地,是一套与硅质岩互层、浅变质、厚近60 m、曾具有生烃能力的陆棚沉积。通过实测地层剖面、矿物学及地球化学研究,探讨了其构造属性、物源区、风化作用及沉积环境。研究表明:该泥页岩主要属于富硅黏土岩、富泥硅质页岩,次为泥—硅混合页岩;与澳大利亚后太古宙页岩(PAAS)相比,其Si、Mg、K、P、Sc、Y、Hf、Th、Sc等含量相似,Ti、Mn、Fe、Ta、δEunδCen和ΣREE等值相对较高,Al、Ca、Na,Nb和Zr等值较低。冰沟南组泥页岩由再循环沉积碎屑、中基性及中酸性侵入岩作为第一沉积物的来源,与大陆上地壳硅铝质和一般页岩组成接近;物源区为温暖、湿润条件下中等化学风化条件;自下而上可划分出3个厌氧—缺氧为主、偶夹有氧化的沉积旋回;下部叠加了热流体改造。统计表明,40%左右黏土含量的泥页岩段富集主要微量元素(稀土)及有机质,是陆棚中的贫氧—缺氧、生产力较高、生烃潜力最好层段。


  • 图  1  研究区地质简图及红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面位置示意


    Figure  1.  Tectonic setting and location of Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  2  研究区综合地层柱状图

    Figure  2.  Simplified stratigraphic columns with lithostratigraphic formation of Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  3  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组野外照片

    资料来源同图 1

    Figure  3.  Field photographs of Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  4  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面新元古界冰沟南组泥页岩矿物分类[7]

    Figure  4.  Mineral classification of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  5  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组泥页岩中部分元素组成及环境指示参数

    Figure  5.  Mineral composition environment indicators of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  6  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组泥页岩元素判别构造环境

    a、b图版参见文献[12];c、d图版参见文献[3, 14]。

    Figure  6.  Tectonic environment judged by minerals in mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  7  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组泥页岩部分微量元素及比值与主动大陆边缘盆地ACM(a)、被动大陆边缘盆地PCM(b)、大陆岛弧CIA(c)和大洋岛弧OIA(d)平均值对比[3, 8-9]

    Figure  7.  Trace element contents and ratios of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault, compared with the average values of active continental margin (ACM) (a), passive continental margin (PCM) (b), continental island arc (CIA) (c) and ocean island arc (OIA) (d)

    图  8  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组泥页岩Th-Sc (a)[24]、Th/ Sc-La/Sc (b)[25]及Th/ Sc-Zr/Sc (c)关系投点图[9]


    Figure  8.  Th-Sc(a), Th/Sc-La/Sc(b) and Th/Sc-Zr/Sc(c) values of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  9  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组泥页岩稀土元素配分模式图(a) 及La/Yb-ΣREE关系投点图(b)[2-3, 22]

    Figure  9.  Chondrite-normalized REE distribution patterns (a) and La/Yb-ΣREE diagram (b) of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  10  阿尔金西北缘冰沟南组泥页岩部分微量元素与NASC(a)、PAAS(b)及元古宙页岩(c)[3, 8-9]对比网状图

    Figure  10.  Trace element contents of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault, compared with the values of NASC (a), PAAS (b) and Proterozoic shale (c)

    图  11  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组泥页岩CIA-A-CN-K关系投点图[29]

    Figure  11.  CIA-A-CN-K diagram of mud shale in Neopro- terozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  12  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组泥页岩反映氧化—还原条件的Ni/Cr-Ni/Co(a)、V/(V+Ni)-Ni/Co(b)和Mo-Ni/Co(c)[37-38]投点图

    Figure  12.  Ni/Cr-Ni/Co (a), V/(V+Ni)-Ni/Co (b) and Mo-Ni/Co (c) showing oxidation-reduction conditions of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    图  13  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面冰沟南组泥页岩中黏土含量与主要参数的关系

    Figure  13.  Relationship among clay contents and major paremeters of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault

    表  1  阿尔金西北缘红柳沟Ⅰ号剖面新元古界冰沟南组泥页岩矿物组成

    Table  1.   Mineral compostion of mud shale in Neoproterozoic Binggounan Formation, Hongliugou Ⅰ section, NW margin of Altyn Tagh fault  %

    样品号 野外定名 黏土 石英 钾长石 斜长石 方解石 白云石 菱铁矿 石盐 黄铁矿 石膏 硬石膏 钙芒硝 岩相
    HLG-8 泥岩 33.4 41.8 1.0 2.0 0.8 6.9 12.3 - 0.2 0.2 1.4 - 泥-硅混合页岩
    HLG-28 粉砂质泥岩 40.3 48.1 1.1 3.3 0.9 1.0 2.9 - 0.7 - 1.7 - 富泥硅质页岩
    HLG-51 泥页岩 56.4 29.7 0.7 2.7 0.6 0.8 2.5 - 5.1 - 1.5 - 富硅黏土质页岩
    HLG-53 泥板岩 66.1 26.2 1.9 2.0 - 0.8 1.9 - 0.1 - 1.0 富硅黏土质页岩
    HLG-60 泥页岩 30.1 64.7 0.4 2.5 0.7 0.1 0.7 - 0.4 - 0.4 - 富泥硅质页岩
    HLG-61 泥页岩 46.0 40.7 1.3 4.8 0.3 - 2.1 - 0.7 - 4.1 - 泥-硅混合页岩
    HLG-63 粉砂质泥岩 58.6 28.0 3.5 3.9 0.1 1.3 0.9 1.0 0.6 - - 2.1 富硅黏土质页岩
    HLG-64 泥页岩 40.3 54.0 0.6 1.7 0.6 0.4 1.3 - 0.1 - 1.0 - 富泥硅质页岩
    HLG-65 粉砂质泥岩 57.2 36.3 1.8 1.0 - 1.2 1.7 - 0.6 0.2 - - 富硅黏土质页岩
    HLG-66-1 泥页岩 37.6 54.5 0.7 1.1 3.2 0.9 0.7 - 0.6 - 0.7 - 富硅黏土质页岩
    HLG-67 泥页岩 44.3 48.8 1.1 1.5 0.8 0.7 1.3 0.2 0.4 - 0.9 - 富泥硅质页岩
    HLG-68 钙质粉砂岩 14.8 34.2 0.2 2.9 39.1 8.2 0.3 - - - 0.3 - 富陆屑碳酸盐岩
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