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冯动军 肖开华

冯动军, 肖开华. 恒速压汞及核磁共振技术在四川盆地西部致密砂岩储层评价中的应用[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(2): 368-376. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102368
引用本文: 冯动军, 肖开华. 恒速压汞及核磁共振技术在四川盆地西部致密砂岩储层评价中的应用[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(2): 368-376. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102368
FENG Dongjun, XIAO Kaihua. Constant velocity mercury injection and nuclear magnetic resonance in evaluation of tight sandstone reservoirs in western Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(2): 368-376. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102368
Citation: FENG Dongjun, XIAO Kaihua. Constant velocity mercury injection and nuclear magnetic resonance in evaluation of tight sandstone reservoirs in western Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(2): 368-376. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102368


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202102368

中国石化科技部项目“新场须四段致密气藏描述” P14158


    冯动军(1976—), 男, 博士, 高级工程师, 主要从事非常规油气地质研究。E-mail: fengdj.syky@sinopec.com

  • 中图分类号: TE132.2

Constant velocity mercury injection and nuclear magnetic resonance in evaluation of tight sandstone reservoirs in western Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要: 在深入分析恒速压汞法和核磁共振实验原理的基础上,结合岩心实验结果,分析川西新场地区上三叠统须家河组四段储集空间类型、孔隙结构类型、孔喉特征、孔喉比特征及其与孔、渗相关关系,研究孔隙和喉道对毛细管曲线的影响,探讨孔喉特征对可动流体参数的影响。川西须四段为低孔、低—超低渗致密储层,孔隙度介于1.6%~10.9%,平均5.9%,渗透率介于(0.01~2.81)×10-3 μm2,平均0.37×10-3 μm2。发育粗喉大孔、粗喉小孔、细喉大孔和细喉小孔4类孔隙结构类型,孔隙半径介于8~180 μm,平均112 μm,以微孔—小孔为主;喉道半径介于0.100~1.008 μm,平均0.484 μm,以微喉为主。孔隙半径对低—超低渗储层的物性影响较小,喉道半径与渗透率相关性较好,其影响了毛细管曲线的变化,控制了低渗透储层的物性特征,是决定气藏开发效果的关键性因素。孔隙半径、喉道半径和最终进汞饱和度对可动流体参数影响较大,基于此三项参数提出孔隙结构指数,结合测井曲线开展了川西致密砂岩储层评价,评价结果与实际效果吻合较好。


  • 图  1  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段砂岩储层储集空间类型

    Figure  1.  Reservoir space types of sandstone reservoirs in fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    图  2  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段致密储层孔隙结构类型

    Figure  2.  Pore structure types of tight reservoirs in fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    图  3  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段致密储层孔隙半径分布

    Figure  3.  Pore radius distribution of tight reservoirs in fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    图  4  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段致密储层喉道半径分布

    Figure  4.  Throat radius distribution of tight reservoirs in fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    图  5  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段致密储层孔喉比分布

    Figure  5.  Distribution of pore-throat ratio of tight reservoirs in fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    图  6  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段毛细管曲线特征

    Figure  6.  Characteristics of capillary curves of fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    图  7  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段孔隙结构与可动流体参数相关关系

    Figure  7.  Correlation between pore structure and movable fluid parameters of fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    图  8  四川盆地西部新场地区致密储层孔隙结构参数与孔、渗相关性

    Figure  8.  Correlation between pore structure parameters and porosity and permeability of tight reservoirs in Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    图  9  四川盆地西部新场X井基于孔隙结构参数的储层评价

    Figure  9.  Reservoir evaluation of well X based on pore structure parameters, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    表  1  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段砂岩储层孔隙结构参数统计

    Table  1.   Statistics of pore structure parameters of sandstone reservoirs in fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    样号 层位 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 孔隙体积/cm3 喉道半径平均值/μm 孔隙半径平均值/μm 孔喉半径比平均值 最终进汞饱和度/% 总孔隙进汞饱和度/% 总喉道进汞饱和度/% 总孔/喉体积比 可动流体孔隙度/% 可动流体/% 束缚流体/%
    XC23-3 上亚段 Tx42 5.90 0.16 0.34 0.523 147.80 319.0 20.31 3.44 16.87 0.20 4.26 13.20 86.80
    XC22-2 Tx43 7.80 0.29 0.36 0.496 154.33 382.6 34.93 15.24 19.69 0.77 6.33 26.74 73.26
    XC23-4 Tx43 8.10 0.45 0.30 0.627 135.87 262.1 23.78 3.59 20.19 0.18 6.68 11.05 88.95
    CX565-10 Tx44 9.50 0.49 0.27 0.436 148.38 422.6 30.79 10.08 20.71 0.49 8.15 26.91 73.09
    XC23-9 Tx44 10.90 2.81 0.36 1.088 141.51 145.6 27.77 6.73 21.04 0.32 9.07 27.47 72.53
    XC26-4 Tx44 7.10 0.12 0.41 0.519 133.62 297.0 27.69 5.53 22.16 0.25 4.37 15.21 84.79
    均值 8.22 0.72 0.34 0.610 143.58 304.8 27.54 7.43 20.11 0.37 6.48 20.10 79.90
    XC21-22 下亚段 Tx47 4.60 0.03 0.28 0.364 173.32 616.8 47.43 29.23 18.19 1.61 3.57 46.42 53.58
    X202-2 Tx48 8.80 0.29 0.26 0.463 149.28 392.1 31.29 10.36 20.93 0.50 7.48 26.59 73.41
    XC31-5 Tx48 1.70 0.03 0.10 0.209 8.82 78.3 10.55 0.01 10.54 0.00 1.18 21.59 78.41
    XC22-9 Tx49 1.90 0.02 0.11 0.100 10.00 6.3 57.43 0.98 46.45 0.02 0.74 20.55 79.45
    XC22-10 Tx49 1.60 0.01 0.10 0.600 10.00 10.0 49.45 0.13 49.32 0.00 0.71 36.34 63.66
    XC23-16 Tx49 4.90 0.38 0.28 0.883 138.29 168.7 23.85 2.94 20.92 0.14 4.09 21.15 78.85
    XC25-8 Tx49 4.70 0.03 0.29 0.100 97.50 10.0 11.43 0.04 11.34 0.00 2.21 11.83 88.17
    XC26-8 Tx49 4.90 0.05 0.26 0.361 123.46 402.6 14.84 0.16 14.67 0.01 3.59 8.55 91.45
    均值 4.07 0.12 0.20 0.390 76.75 152.6 26.98 2.09 24.88 0.10 2.95 24.13 75.87
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    表  2  四川盆地西部新场地区须家河组四段储层孔隙结构参数评价标准

    Table  2.   Evaluation criteria of pore structure parameters of fourth member of Xujiahe Formation, Xinchang area, western Sichuan Basin

    储集空间类型 类别 物性参数 孔隙结构参数 储层综合评价
    孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 喉道半径/μm 孔隙半径/μm 进汞饱和度/% 孔隙结构指数
    孔隙型 >10 >0.2 >0.411 >155 >20.5 >110
    8~10 0.15~0.20 0.407~0.411 130~155 20.0~20.5 70~110 中等
    6~8 0.05~0.15 0.374~0.407 105~130 16.0~20.0 50~70
    裂缝—孔隙型 >6 >0.35 >0.533 >105 >37.0 >70
    4.5~6 0.15~0.35 0.453~0.533 85~105 26.0~37.0 50~70 中等
    3~4.5 0.05~0.15 0.401~0.453 65~85 19.0~26.0 40~50
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