Existence and geological significance of pyrite in the organic-rich shale of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in Upper Yangtze region
摘要: 黄铁矿的研究不仅为沉积、成岩环境的恢复提供依据,也为富有机质页岩的预测提供参考。以上扬子板块3个不同沉积位置钻井(宜昌EYY1井、威远W001-4井、汉中SNY1井)的下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩为例,通过X射线衍射全岩矿物分析(XRD)、显微镜、扫描电镜和碳硫分析等实验手段对样品及其黄铁矿进行对比研究。研究区样品中黄铁矿主要发育草莓状、立方体自形、条带状及不规则非自形等4种类型。其中草莓状黄铁矿发育最多,其粒径整体较小且变化范围较窄,反映以同沉积成因为主,一般与有机质含量有良好的正相关性,其他类型黄铁矿则可能为成岩成因。3口钻井页岩样品中黄铁矿形貌特征和粒径特征差异显示,SNY1井沉积水体安静、还原性最强,W001-4井和EYY1井沉积水体下部具有贫氧—厌氧环境的转变,其中W001-4井高丰度黄铁矿可能受绵阳—长宁拉张槽热液活动的影响。岩相对黄铁矿含量具有一定的控制作用,硅质页岩和硅质—钙质过渡型页岩比钙质页岩更有利于黄铁矿的形成。黄铁矿对有机孔的发育和保存具有积极影响,有利于页岩储层中天然气的富集和储存。Abstract: The existence of pyrite provides a basis for the restoration of sedimentary and diagenetic environment, also, it can be regarded as a reference for the prediction of organic-rich shale. Shales of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation drilled at three different sedimentary locations (wells Yichang EYY1, Weiyuan W001-4 and Hanzhong SNY1) in the Yangtze region have been taken as samples in this study. The pyrites founded within these samples have been analyzed with XRD, microscope, scanning electron microscope and carbon and sulfur contents. By the comparison of analytical results, it was indicated that there were four types of pyrite in these samples including framboidal, cubic automorphic, strip-shaped and irregular non-self-formed. The framboidal pyrite was mostly developed, and its particle size was relatively smaller and varied in a narrow range, reflecting the synsedimentary origin, generally has a good and positive correlation with the content of organic matter, while other types of pyrite may be diagenetically originated. The morphological differences of pyrite in shale samples from three wells indicated that the sedimentary water of well SNY1 is quiet and has the strongest reductivity. The lower part of the sedimentary water of wells W001-4 and EYY1 experienced a transformation from oxygen-poor to anaerobic, and the high-abundance pyrite in the shales of well W001-4 might be affected by hydrothermal activities in the Mianyang-Changning tension trough. Compared with calcareous shale, siliceous shale and silicic-calcareous transitional shale are more favorable for the formation of pyrite. Pyrite has a positive effect on the development and preservation of organic pores, which is beneficial to the enrichment and storage of natural gas in shale reservoirs.
Key words:
- pyrite /
- shale /
- Niutitang Formation /
- Lower Cambrian /
- Upper Yangtz region
图 1 上扬子地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组沉积相平面分布及取样位置
Figure 1. Sedimentary facies of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation and sampling locations in Upper Yangtze region
图 4 上扬子地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组黄铁矿类型
a.SNY1-4,草莓状黄铁矿,硅质页岩,2 224.79 m;b.SNY1-1,草莓状黄铁矿,硅质页岩,2 162.15 m;c.SNY1-1,立方体自形黄铁矿,硅质页岩,2 162.15 m;d.W001-4-6,立方体自形黄铁矿,硅质页岩,2 973.56 m;e.EYY1-2,立方体自形黄铁矿,钙质页岩,2 943.65 m;f.EYY1-16,条带状黄铁矿,钙质页岩,3 066.47 m;g.W001-4-18,条带状黄铁矿,硅质页岩,3 083.88 m;h.EYY1-13,不规则非自形黄铁矿,硅质页岩,3 044.7 m;i.W001-4-17,不规则非自形黄铁矿,硅质页岩,3 084.58 m
Figure 4. Pyrite types of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Upper Yangtze region
图 5 上扬子地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组黄铁矿分布特征
a.SNY1-2,黄铁矿分布在有机质富集地带,硅质页岩,2 187.46 m;b.W001-4-4,黄铁矿分布在有机质和黏土矿物附近,硅质页岩,2 950.58 m;c.SNY1-8,黄铁矿分布在矿物颗粒间,硅质页岩,2 369.55 m;d.W001-4-3,黄铁矿分布在矿物颗粒内,硅质页岩,2 898.64 m;e.EYY1-4,黄铁矿零星分布,钙质页岩,2 978.94 m;f.SNY1-10,黄铁矿顺层分布,硅质页岩,2 385.81 m
Figure 5. Distribution features of pyrites of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Upper Yangtze region
图 8 上扬子地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩镜下照片
a.EYY1-7,硅质页岩,可见海绵骨针,3 004.85 m;b.EYY1-8,硅质页岩,可见矿物水平纹层,3 010.96 m;c.EYY1-14,钙质页岩,3 054.70 m;d.EYY1-16, 钙质页岩,3 066.47 m;e.EYY1-6,过渡型页岩,2 998.60 m;f.EYY1-9,过渡型页岩,3 023.58 m;g.W001-4-18,硅质页岩,3 084.58 m;h.SNY1-1,硅质页岩,2 162.15 m;i.SNY1-4,硅质页岩,2 224.79 m
Figure 8. Microscope pictures of shale of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Upper Yangtze region
图 11 上扬子地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组有机孔发育情况
a.SNY1-4,黄铁矿伴生在运移有机质旁边,硅质页岩,2 224.79 m;b.SNY1-3,黄铁矿颗粒间运移有机质及孔隙特征,硅质页岩,2 205.04 m;c.SNY1-2,黄铁矿颗粒内运移有机质及孔隙特征,硅质页岩,2 187.46 m;d.W001-4-19,运移有机质孔,硅质页岩,3 084.8 m;e.W001-4-13,运移有机质孔,硅质页岩,3 065.54 m;f.EYY1-8,运移有机质孔,硅质页岩,3 010.96 m
Figure 11. Development of organic pores of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Upper Yangtze region
表 1 上扬子地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组样品采集信息
Table 1. Sample information of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in Upper Yangtze region
采样点 取样井 样品数/块 沉积亚相 岩性特征 宜昌 EYY1井 16 深水陆棚 主要为灰黑色—黑色页岩及灰质页岩 威远 W001-4井 20 深水陆棚 主要为浅灰色—灰黑色页岩,底部发育有Mo-Ni矿层 汉中 SNY1井 10 深水陆棚 主要为碳质页岩、硅质页岩和泥岩 表 2 上扬子地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组草莓状黄铁矿粒径统计
Table 2. Statistics of particle size of strawberry pyrites of Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Upper Yangtze region
样品号 统计个数 最大值/μm 最小值/μm 平均粒径/μm 标准偏差/μm 样品号 统计个数 最大值/μm 最小值/μm 平均粒径/μm 标准偏差/μm EYY1-1 5 7.7 2.1 4.0 2.0 W001-4-3 7 10.3 0.6 6.3 3.1 EYY1-2 9 12.6 3.1 6.2 3.0 W001-4-4 13 11.2 1.1 5.3 2.7 EYY1-3 11 10.2 0.5 3.5 2.8 W001-4-6 13 8.9 1.2 4.2 2.2 EYY1-4 17 8.8 1.4 3.7 1.9 W001-4-10 5 10.9 2.3 5.8 3.1 EYY1-5 39 6.5 1.8 4.1 1.3 W001-4-13 11 4.9 1.0 2.7 1.2 EYY1-6 21 8.0 2.7 5.1 1.4 W001-4-14 9 8.1 1.2 3.6 2.1 EYY1-7 9 6.8 0.9 4.0 1.9 W001-4-19 3 4.2 3.5 3.9 0.3 EYY1-8 10 5.5 1.4 3.2 1.6 SNY1-1 28 6.7 1.3 3.6 1.4 EYY1-9 14 19.7 4.6 8.4 4.5 SNY1-2 27 6.4 0.8 3.1 1.5 EYY1-10 24 8.1 1.4 4.4 1.7 SNY1-3 9 6.9 2.5 4.3 1.4 EYY1-11 9 13.5 1.7 6.9 3.9 SNY1-4 13 9.5 1.8 5.3 2.8 EYY1-12 3 6.5 3.0 5.0 1.5 SNY1-5 11 7.1 2.6 5.1 1.5 EYY1-13 10 4.6 1.4 2.8 1.1 NY1-6 17 8.9 2.0 4.6 1.6 EYY1-14 2 7.8 4.6 6.2 1.6 SNY1-7 11 5.6 1.9 3.6 1.1 EYY1-15 7 3.9 1.0 3.1 0.9 SNY1-8 13 7.9 1.4 3.5 1.7 EYY1-16 9 10.1 2.7 6.1 2.5 SNY1-9 12 4.7 1.3 2.8 1.2 W001-4-1 17 11.6 1.6 4.9 2.3 SNY1-10 10 6.3 1.7 3.2 1.3 W001-4-2 14 10.4 1.2 4.5 2.4 表 3 海相页岩岩相类型划分方案[18]
Table 3. Classification scheme of marine shale
岩相类型 岩石矿物组分质量分数/% 石英+长石 方解石+白云石 黏土 硅质页岩相 50~75 <30 10~50 黏土质页岩相 25~50 <30 50~75 钙质页岩相 <30 50~75 25~50 黏土质硅质混合页岩相 30~50 <33 30~50 黏土质钙质混合页岩相 <33 30~50 30~50 钙质硅质混合页岩相 30~50 30~50 <33 表 4 上扬子地区不同地区、不同岩相黄铁矿含量
Table 4. Pyrite contents in different regions and litho-facies, Upper Yangtze region
井位 岩相 ω(TOC)/% 黄铁矿平均含量/% 黄铁矿的形貌及分类 EYY1井 硅质页岩 4.27 2.30 草莓状和自形单晶为主,发现不规则非自形和少量条带状 EYY1井 钙质页岩 2.15 1.96 自形单晶、不规则非自形、草莓状较少,有少量条带状 EYY1井 过渡型页岩 2.85 3.45 草莓状、自形单晶、不规则非自形为主 W001-4井 硅质页岩 1.78 6.80 自形和不规则非自形为主,草莓状发育较少,偶尔可见条带状 SNY1井 硅质页岩 1.57 2.00 草莓状为主,自形单晶发育较多、少量不规则非自形 -
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