Source of hydrocarbons discovered from Cambrian sub-salt dolomite in Bachu uplift area, Tarim Basin
摘要: 勘探研究表明,塔里木盆地巴楚隆起不发育下寒武统主力烃源岩,但该区MB1井在下寒武统见较好油气显示。为了明确MB1井的油源、评价巴楚隆起的勘探潜力,对MB1井下寒武统吾松格尔组油气显示段岩心抽提物进行了地球化学分析,进一步开展了油—油、油—源对比等研究,揭示了油气物质的成因特征与来源。结果表明,抽提物具有典型的塔里木盆地海相原油的地球化学特征,即饱和烃色谱图为单峰前峰型,正构烷烃系列保存完整,谱图基线平整、未见明显的“鼓包”,Pr/Ph比值为0.89,三环萜烷系列的相对丰度高于藿烷系列,C27-C28-C29ααα20R规则甾烷具有明显的“V”字型分布特征,原油碳同位素值为-30.8‰,三芴系列化合物表现为明显的硫芴优势,指示其来源于强还原沉积环境的腐泥型生烃母质,处于高成熟演化阶段。MB1井下寒武统油显示与玉北1条带奥陶系原油同源,均来自于下寒武统烃源岩,推测巴楚隆起MB1井下寒武统油气来自周边下寒武统烃源岩或古油藏,从而提升了该区寒武系的勘探潜力。Abstract: Exploration experiences have showed that the main source rocks of the Lower Cambrian have not been developed in the Bachu uplift; however, the well MB1 in this area had a good oil and gas showing in the Lower Cambrian.To clarify the hydrocarbon source of well MB1 and evaluate the exploration potential of the Bachu uplift, the core extracts from the oil and gas display section of the Lower Cambrian Wusongge'er Formation of well MB1 were studied here by using of geochemical analysis, moreover, oil-oil and oil-source correlations have also been carried out.The saturated hydrocarbon fraction of extracts showed a typical signature which is consistent with marine crude oil in the Tarim Basin, of which the n-alkanes have a single-peak pre-peak distribution, the series is preserved intact and there was no apparent "hump" in the basline, the ratio of Pr/Ph was 0.89, the abundance of the tricyclic terpanes was higher than that of the hopanes, the C27-C28-C29ααα20R regular steranes had a typical "V" shape, the carbon isotope value of crude oil is -30.8‰, and the trifluorene compounds were obviously override thiofluorene.It then indicates that they were derived from the saprolite-type sources with a strongly reducing sedimentary environment, moreover, the organic matters are high mature.The Lower Cambrian oil showed in well MB1 have the same origin as the Ordovician crude oil in the Yubei 1 belt, and both of them probably came from the Lower Cambrian source rocks. It was inferred that the Lower Cambrian oil and gas in well MB1 came from the peripheral Lower Cambrian source rocks or paleo-oil reservoirs, which enhanced the exploration potential of Cambrian in the Bachu uplift.
Key words:
- oil shows /
- geochemical characteristics /
- oil-source correlation /
- Cambrian /
- Bachu uplift /
- Tarim Basin
表 1 样品信息表
Table 1. Sample information
序号 构造位置 样品编号 采样井或露头剖面 层位 样品类型 1 巴楚隆起 MB1-1 MB1 吾松格尔组(${\rm {\rlap{—} C }}$1w) 抽提物 2 玉北地区 YB1-1 YB1 鹰山组(O1-2y) 原油 3 玉北地区 YB1-1X-1 YB1-1X 鹰山组(O1-2y) 原油 4 玉北地区 YB1-2X-1 YB1-2X 鹰山组(O1-2y) 原油 5 玉北地区 YB9-1 YB9 鹰山组(O1-2y) 原油 6 巴楚隆起 M4-1 M4 奥陶系(O) 原油 7 巴楚隆起 LS2-1 LS2 奥陶系(O) 原油 8 柯坪露头 苏盖特布拉克剖面-1 苏盖特布拉克剖面 玉尔吐斯组(${\rm {\rlap{—} C }}$1y) 抽提物 表 2 塔里木盆地巴楚隆起MB1井寒武系岩心抽提物与玉北奥陶系原油生标参数对比
Table 2. Biomarker comparison between Cambrian core extracts of well MB1 of Bachu uplift and Ordovician crude oils of Yubei area, Tarim Basin
井位或露头剖面 层位 类型 三类规则甾烷相对含量/% Ts/(Ts+Tm) 重排甾烷/规则甾烷 C21/C23三环萜烷 伽马蜡烷/C30藿烷 C27ααα20R C28ααα20R C29ααα20R MB1 ${\rm {\rlap{—} C }}$1w 抽提物 39.85 14.89 45.26 0.60 3.03 0.88 0.27 YB1 O1-2y 原油 23.49 9.97 66.54 0.48 0.68 0.55 0.21 YB1-1X O1-2y 原油 16.60 9.60 73.80 0.44 0.87 0.53 0.16 YB1-2X O1-2y 原油 18.80 10.10 71.10 0.49 0.58 0.56 0.18 YB9 O1-2y 原油 18.50 10.50 71.00 0.64 0.88 0.66 0.24 M4 O 原油 35.60 22.80 41.60 0.58 0.17 0.65 0.24 LS2 O 原油 41.40 23.50 50.10 0.62 0.23 苏盖特布拉克剖面 ${\rm {\rlap{—} C }}$1y 抽提物 35.00 30.00 36.00 0.44 0.17 0.79 0.30 -
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