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张育民. 塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起斜坡区油气成藏期次研究[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(6): 1015-1023. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2021061015
引用本文: 张育民. 塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起斜坡区油气成藏期次研究[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(6): 1015-1023. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2021061015
ZHANG Yumin. Petroleum charge history of the slope area of Katake Uplift in Tarim Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(6): 1015-1023. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2021061015
Citation: ZHANG Yumin. Petroleum charge history of the slope area of Katake Uplift in Tarim Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(6): 1015-1023. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2021061015


doi: 10.11781/sysydz2021061015

    张育民(1964-), 男, 硕士, 副教授, 从事石油地质及综合勘探研究。E-mail: zhangym.glgy@sinopec.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Petroleum charge history of the slope area of Katake Uplift in Tarim Basin

  • 摘要: 利用塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起西北部的中1井、顺托果勒低隆起的顺1井等钻井资料,在对多套层系的含油气性观察、成岩序列判识的基础上,研究了各种成岩矿物中的流体包裹体类型、丰度、组合和赋存状态等特征,并综合运用包括包裹体均一温度及冰点测定、砂岩储层中自生伊利石K-Ar同位素测年以及古地温、埋藏史和构造演化史等技术方法及综合资料,揭示了卡塔克隆起斜坡区内多层系不同相态烃类的充注成藏—调整改造或破坏过程。研究区内主要存在3期油气成藏:第一期成藏时间为410~370 Ma(相当于加里东晚期),第二期成藏时间集中在280~175 Ma(相当于海西晚期—印支期),第三期成藏时间为80~23 Ma(相当于燕山晚期—喜马拉雅中晚期)。其中,下古生界存在3期成藏过程,上古生界有2期成藏,碎屑岩中油气充注—成藏集中于海西晚期。


  • 图  1  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起构造及采样井位置

    Figure  1.  Tectonic units and sampling well location in Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  2  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起中下奥陶统鹰山组白云岩内3期成岩矿物及包裹体


    Figure  2.  Three stages of diagenetic minerals and inclusions in dolomites from Middle and Lower Ordovician Yingshan Formation, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  3  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起志留系塔塔埃尔塔格组成岩矿物及包裹体

    Figure  3.  Diagenetic minerals and inclusions in Silurian Tataertage Formation, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  4  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起泥盆系东河塘组砂岩中沿未切穿尘埃线的微裂隙分布的液烃包裹体

    Figure  4.  Fluid hydrocarbon inclusions distributed along micro- cracks that do not cut through the dust line in sandstones, Devonian Donghetang Formation, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  5  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起石炭系卡拉沙依组火成岩中充填的沥青及方解石胶结物

    Figure  5.  Bitumen and calcite cements filled in igneous rocks in Carboniferous Kalashayi Formation, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  6  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起中1井中奥陶统一间房组均一化温度、盐度分布

    Figure  6.  Homogenization temperatures and salinity distribution in Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation, well Zhong 1, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  7  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起中1井埋藏史及油气充注年代示意

    Figure  7.  Geothermal gradients and burial history of well Zhongyi, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  8  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起中1井区志留系塔塔埃尔塔格组均一化温度、盐度分布

    Figure  8.  Homogeneous temperatures and salinity of Silurian Tataertage Formation, well Zhong 1 block, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  9  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起中1井泥盆系克孜尔塔格组均一化温度、盐度分布

    Figure  9.  Homogeneous temperatures and salinity of Devonian Kiziltag Formation, well Zhong 1 block, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  10  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起中1井石炭—二叠系火山岩缝洞方解石均一化温度、盐度分布

    Figure  10.  Homogeneous temperatures and salinity of calcites in volcanic factures and caves in Carboniferous and Permian, well Zhong 1 block, Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    图  11  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起斜坡区(顺托果勒)不同层系油气成藏年代

    Figure  11.  Oil and gas accumulation ages of different strata on the slope of Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    表  1  塔里木盆地卡塔克隆起斜坡区砂岩储层中自生伊利石K-Ar年龄测试数据

    Table  1.   K-Ar dating of authigenic illites in sandstones on the slope of Katake Uplift, Tarim Basin

    井位 层位 K-Ar年龄/Ma
    中1、中11、中13井 石炭系卡拉沙依组 230.2±3.3
    石炭系巴楚组 211.2±3.1
    泥盆系东河塘组 185.3~178.0
    志留系塔塔埃尔塔格组 232.8~174.9
    中4井 石炭系巴楚组 222.4±3.2
    顺1井 志留系塔塔埃尔塔格组 203.1±3.5
    塔中4井 泥盆系东河塘组 260.5~231.7
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