Organic geochemical study of FTIR analysis on source rock extracts: a case study of Lower Permian Fengcheng Formation in Junggar Basin, NW China
摘要: 为进一步拓展显微傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)技术在有机地球化学研究中的应用,以准噶尔盆地下二叠统风城组碱湖相含油气系统为例,开展了沉积有机质的生烃研究。结果表明,7组红外官能团具有指征意义,并据此提出3个红外结构新参数,即A指数(A2 920/A3 600)、B指数(A2 920/A1 460)和C指数(A1 140/A1 600)。A指数揭示盐岩区烃源岩具有更高的生烃潜力,B指数揭示可能存在热液流体影响导致盐岩区有机质具有异常的热演化,而C指数表明从边缘区到盐岩区,随盐度的升高,有机质的分子聚合受到影响。据此,位于沉积中心的盐岩区油气勘探潜力较大,尽管在深层可能仍存在轻质原油。这些认识为区域油气勘探提供了新的参考资料,展示了FTIR技术能为传统的有机地球化学研究提供补充,具有广阔的应用潜力。Abstract: To discover the values of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) in the research of organic geochemistry, hydrocarbon generation features of source rocks of Lower Permian Fengcheng, Junggar Basin were studied by the means of FTIR analysis on the extracts. Seven FTIR functional groups appeared to have indicative significance, based on which three new index were proposed, including A index (A2 920/A3 600), B index (A2 920/A1 460), and C index (A1 140/A1 600). Specifically, A index unraveled a higher hydrocarbon generation potential of the source rocks located in saline areas, B index indicated that the possible hydrothermal fluid injection have caused the abnormal thermal evolution of organic matter in saline source rocks, and C index showed that an increasing salinity from marginal zone to saline zones has affected to the organic molecular polymerization in the Fengcheng Formation source rocks. Based on that, the saline zone located at the center of Fengcheng Formation deposition has great potential for oil-gas exploration, particularly for light oils in the deep reservoirs. These understandings provided new references for the regional oil-gas exploration and pointed out that FTIR can supplement traditional organic geochemistry, displaying a broad application potential.
表 1 准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组烃源岩样品信息及地球化学数据
Table 1. Sample information and basic geochemical data of source rocks collected from Fengcheng Formation, Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin
井号 碱湖沉积环境 深度/m 岩性 ω(TOC)/% C29ααα20S/(S+R)甾烷 γ/C30藿烷 风南5 中心区 4 066 深灰色含苏打石泥岩 0.9 0.5 0.7 风南7 4 595 灰色荧光泥质白云岩 1.1 0.5 0.5 艾克1 4 120 深灰色泥岩 0.9 0.6 0.6 风20 4 322 灰色泥质白云岩 1.0 0.5 0.6 风南3 4 545 黑色泥岩 1.1 0.6 0.6 风城1 4 194 深灰色白云岩 1.0 0.5 0.7 风南1 过渡区 4 096 深灰色泥岩 1.4 0.5 0.4 风南8 3 595 深灰色泥岩 1.2 0.5 0.3 风5 3 250 深灰色白云岩 1.0 0.5 0.4 风南14 4 127 灰色白云岩 1.3 0.4 0.3 风7 3 560 灰色白云岩 1.0 0.5 0.4 夏72 3 801 凝灰质泥岩 1.3 0.5 0.3 风23 4 044 深灰色泥质白云岩 1.4 0.5 0.5 夏76 边缘区 3 455 凝灰质泥岩 2.7 0.5 0.2 夏40 3 581 深灰色泥岩 2.0 0.4 0.2 百泉1 3 489 灰色白云质泥岩 1.4 0.5 0.2 夏88 3 365 灰色白云质泥岩 2.3 0.5 0.2 注:由于总有机碳(TOC)及色谱—质谱(GC-MS)分析是常规实验,实验方法未列出;γ代表伽马蜡烷。 表 2 准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组烃源岩样品FTIR结构参数
Table 2. FTIR structural parameters of Fengcheng Formation source rocks collected from Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin
井号 碱湖沉积环境 深度/m FTIR结构参数 A指数 B指数 C指数 风南5 中心区 4 066 1.5 0.6 2.2 风南7 4 595 1.7 0.5 2.4 艾克1 4 120 1.6 0.6 2.3 风20 4 162 1.7 0.5 2.4 风南3 4 545 1.7 0.6 2.3 风城1 4 194 1.7 0.6 2.4 风南1 过渡区 4 096 0.6 0.3 2.0 风南8 3 595 0.6 0.4 2.2 风5 3 250 0.7 0.3 1.3 风南14 4 127 0.8 0.3 1.6 风7 3 560 0.7 0.4 2.0 夏72 3 801 0.6 0.3 1.4 风23 4 044 0.7 0.3 2.0 夏76 边缘区 3 455 0.5 0.2 0.8 夏40 3 581 0.6 0.2 1.0 百泉1 3 489 0.6 0.2 0.9 夏88 3 365 0.6 0.3 0.8 注:A指数=C-H(2 920 cm-1)/O-H(3 600 cm-1);B指数=C-H(2 920 cm-1)/C-H(1 460 cm-1);C指数==C-H(1 140 cm-1)/C=C(1 600 cm-1)。 -
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