Multi-factor evaluation for fine grading of tight sandstone reservoirs: a case study from H3 sand group in the upper section of Oligocene Huagang Formation, Xihu Sag, East China Sea Basin
摘要: 东海盆地西湖凹陷西次凹渐新统花港组上段H3砂组为低孔低渗—低孔特低渗致密砂岩储层,优质储层分布成为制约开发产能的关键问题。基于岩心、测井及物性测试等资料,对该区进行了沉积微相刻画和储层物性分析,结合构造、沉积微相发育特征,对储层展开精细分级评价和优质储层预测。研究表明,H3砂组储层分布主要受构造特征、沉积微相、砂体厚度和孔渗条件四个因素影响。在综合分析各因素与含气饱和度关系的基础上,建立了受产能约束的四因子储层精细分级评价标准,把H3砂组储层划分为“甜点”储层(Ⅰ类)、中等储层(Ⅱ类)和无效储层(Ⅲ类)三种类型。优质储层预测研究区H3-3小层为可能的高产能潜力带,H3-1、H3-2和H3-4小层次之。Abstract: The H3 sand group of the upper section of the Oligocene Huagang Formation in the western sub-sag of the Xihu Sag of the East China Sea Continental Shelf Basin is a tight sandstone reservoir with low porosity and low or ultra-low permeability. The distribution of high-quality reservoirs has become a key factor restricting productivity. Based on coring, well logging and physical property test data, the sedimentary microfacies and physical properties of the H3 sand group were studied, and a fine grading evaluation and "sweet spot" prediction were carried out. The reservoir distribution in the H3 sand group was mainly affected by four factors: structural characteristics, sedimentary microfacies, sand thickness and conditions of porosity and permeability. Moreover, on the basis of comprehensive analysis of the relationship among these factors and gas saturation, a four-factor reservoir fine grading evaluation method was proposed. The H3 sand group reservoirs were divided into three types: "sweet spot" reservoirs (type Ⅰ), medium reservoirs (type Ⅱ) and ineffective reservoirs (type Ⅲ).The H3-3 single sand layer has a great exploration potential, followed by the H3-1, H3-2 and H3-4 single sand layers.
图 1 东海盆地西湖凹陷花港组构造区划(a)、古地理图(a,b)与地层柱状图(c)[32]
Figure 1. Tectonic division (a), paleogeographic map (a, b) and stratigraphic column (c) of Huagang Formation in Xihu Sag, East China Sea Basin
图 4 东海盆地西湖凹陷NB-1构造花港组上段H3砂组断层发育情况与产能关系连井对比
剖面位置见图 1。
Figure 4. Well connection contrasts of the correlation of fault development and productivity in H3 sand group of Upper Huagang Formation in NB-1 structure of Xihu Sag, East China Sea Basin
图 5 东海盆地西湖凹陷NB-1构造花港组上段H3砂组沉积微相展布特征与产能关系连井对比
剖面位置见图 1。
Figure 5. Well connection contrasts of the correlation of sedimentary microfacies distribution characteristics and productivity in H3 sand group of Upper Huagang Formation in NB-1 structure of Xihu Sag, East China Sea Basin
表 1 东海盆地西湖凹陷NB-1构造花港组上段H3砂组储层孔渗条件与产能关系分类
Table 1. Grading table of relationship between porosity and permeability factors and productivity of H3 sand group of Upper Huagang Formation in NB-1 structure of Xihu Sag, East China Sea Basin
沉积微相 平均孔隙度/% 平均渗透率/10-3 μm2 含气饱和度/% 储层物性分类 河道滞留沉积 7.59 1.66 46,54,56 低孔低渗 心滩 7.52 1.07 64,68 低孔低渗 湖泛改造的心滩 7.08 0.53 48 低孔特低渗 滨浅湖砂质滩坝 6.52 0.13 0 非储层 表 2 储层精细分级评价标准
Table 2. Evaluation criteria for fine classification of reservoirs
储层分级 构造因子 沉积微相因子 砂厚因子 孔渗因子 Ⅰ级(甜点储层) A区 河道滞留沉积、心滩 累厚15~20 m,单层大于2 m,少夹层 低孔低渗 Ⅱ级(中等储层) B区 湖泛改造的心滩 累厚大于20 m,单层大于1 m,多夹层(洪泛层) 低孔特低渗 Ⅲ级(无效储层) C区 滨浅湖砂质滩坝 累厚小于15 m,单层小于1 m,多夹层(洪泛层) 非储层 -
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