Geological characteristics and distribution of global primary hydrocarbon accumulations of Precambrian-Lower Cambrian
摘要: 近年来,前寒武系—下寒武统原生油气资源在全球油气勘探领域越来越受重视。位于俄罗斯的东西伯利亚盆地、中东的阿曼盆地以及我国的四川盆地前寒武系—下寒武统的原生油气藏储量最为丰富。以这3个盆地为例,系统全面地阐释全球前寒武系—下寒武统原生油气藏的地质及其分布特征,以期为古老层系油气勘探的进一步突破提供参考。全球前寒武系—下寒武统原生油气藏油气探明和控制储量已达30 090 MMboe(4.12×108 t油当量),其中84.2%分布于东西伯利亚盆地,而阿曼盆地和四川盆地分别占8.9%和6.5%。烃源岩以海相泥页岩、碳酸盐岩为主,整体处于低熟—过熟阶段,且大部分分布于构造低部位;储集岩主要为碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩,早期白云岩化作用、表生淋滤作用和油气早期充注是古老碳酸盐岩储层发育的重要机制;深层和超深层古老层系的油气大部分储于碳酸盐岩中。同时,广泛发育的优质区域性盖层是油气得以有效保存的一个重要因素。自生自储成藏模式、源储相邻近源成藏模式和源储相隔“远”源成藏模式构成了前寒武系—下寒武统原生油气藏的主要成藏模式。Abstract: In recent years, primary hydrocarbon accumulations of Precambrian-Lower Cambrian have caused an increasing attention in the oil and gas explorations worldwide. The Eastern Siberian Basin in Russia, the Oman Basin in the Middle East, and the Sichuan Basin in China are endowed with the richest oil and gas reserves in the Precambrian-Lower Cambrian primary hydrocarbon accumulations. This study takes these three basins as examples to systematical and comprehensively document the geological characteristics and distribution of the global Precambrian-Lower Cambrian primary hydrocarbon accumulations through a large amount of data analysis and statistics, to provide insights for further breakthroughs of oil and gas explorations in ancient stratigraphic successions of sedimentary basins. The global proven and controlled reserves of Precambrian-Lower Cambrian primary hydrocarbon accumulations have reached 30.09×109 boe (4.12×108 t), of which 84.2% are distributed in the Eastern Siberian Basin, while the Oman Basin and the Sichuan Basin account for 8.9% and 6.5%, respectively. The source rocks are dominated by marine mudstones, shales and carbonate rocks, which are generally immature to over-mature and mostly distribute in low structural parts. Carbonate rocks and clastic rocks are important types of reservoir rocks. Early dolomitization, superficial leaching and hydrocarbons injection are important mechanisms for the development of ancient carbonate reservoirs. Most of the hydrocarbons in deep and ultra-deep ancient strata are stored in carbonate rocks. At the same time, the extensively developed high-quality regional caprocks are the key to preserving abundant hydrocarbons. Three types of accumulation models, self-generating and self-preserving, reservoirs adjacent to source rocks, and reservoirs isolated to source rocks, constitute the main models of Precambrian-Lower Cambrian primary hydrocarbon accumulations.
图 4 东西伯利亚盆地里菲系地层、寒武系蒸发岩及油气田分布
Figure 4. Distribution of Riphean rocks beneath pre-Vendian unconformity, oil and gas fields as well as Cambrian evaporites in the Eastern Siberian Basin
表 1 全球前寒武系—下寒武统原生油气储量
Table 1. Global primary hydrocarbon reserves of Precambrian-Lower Cambrian
盆地 油气田个数 油气藏个数 石油/MMb 天然气/Bscf 凝析油/MMb 总储量/MMboe 总剩余储量/MMboe 单个油气藏平均规模/MMboe 东西伯利亚盆地 95 265 5 595.0 112 180.2 1 040.4 25 332.1 25 105.6 95.6 阿曼盆地 53 56 1 121.3 8 424.9 146.9 2 672.3 2 581.6 47.7 四川盆地 4 9 0.0 11 390.6 47.6 1 944.4 1 837.2 216.0 印度温迪亚和印度河盆地 12 14 67.5 19.5 0.0 70.8 70.8 5.1 巴西圣弗朗西斯科盆地 1 3 0.0 185.4 0.0 30.9 90.9 10.3 北非陶丹尼盆地 3 3 0.0 162.0 0.2 27.2 27.2 9.1 澳大利亚阿玛迪斯盆地和麦克阿瑟盆地 8 10 2.0 80.9 0.1 15.6 15.6 1.6 伏尔加乌拉尔盆地 3 3 1.5 0.1 0.0 1.5 1.5 0.5 合计 179 363 6 787.3 132 433.6 1 235.2 30 094.8 29 670.4 82.9 注:原始数据源于IHS[17]。 表 2 东西伯利亚盆地、阿曼盆地和四川盆地烃源岩特征
Table 2. Characteristics of source rocks in the Eastern Siberian, Oman and Sichuan Basins
盆地 烃源岩 岩性 ω(TOC)/% Ro/% 干酪根类型 生烃时间 东西伯利亚盆地 文德系(前寒武系) 暗色泥页岩、碳酸盐岩 中南部:<0.5前帕托姆坳陷:0.5~1.0 Ⅱ 里菲系(前寒武系) 海相泥页岩、泥灰岩 叶尼塞—拜基特:0.7~16.0;贝加尔—前帕托姆:0.6~12.9 0.9~2.0 阿曼盆地 盐上寒武系达哈哈班组 碳酸盐岩 平均5.0,最大8.0 Ⅰ/Ⅱ Z烃源岩:O; 烃源岩:P3-C1盐间文德系—下寒武统阿拉群 海相泥页岩、海相沉积硅质岩和海相碳酸盐岩 海相碳酸盐岩:0.1~1.9,平均0.9;Al Shoumou组硅酸盐岩:3.0~4.0;U页岩:5.0~15.0;Thuleilat组页岩:5.0~15.0 Ⅰ/Ⅱ 盐下文德系奈丰群 页岩、白云岩 最大7.0,平均4.0 Ⅱ 四川盆地 寒武系沧浪铺组 泥岩 0.5~5.8,平均1.3 Ⅰ/Ⅱ P-T2生油,T3-K裂解成气 寒武系筇竹寺组 页岩 0.5~7.6,平均1.9 1.8~3.9 Ⅰ/Ⅱ 震旦系灯影组 泥岩、泥质白云岩 0.2~3.7,平均0.6 2.0~3.5 Ⅰ/Ⅱ 震旦系陡山沱组 页岩 0.6~4.6,平均2.1 2.1~3.8 Ⅰ/Ⅱ 表 3 东伯利亚盆地已发现前寒武系—下寒武统原生油气藏储量
Table 3. Proved and probable primary hydrocarbon reserves of Precambrian-Lower Cambrian in the Eastern Siberian Basin
类别 石油/MMb 天然气/Bscf 凝析油/MMb 总储量/MMboe 占盆地总量百分比/% 文德系含油气系统 3 742.1 41 668.7 259.5 10 946.4 43.2 里菲系含油气系统 1 852.9 70 511.5 780.9 14 385.7 56.8 合计 5 595.0 112 180.2 1 040.4 25 332.1 100.0 注:原始数据源于IHS[17]。 表 4 南阿曼盐盆烃源岩及其油气储量贡献率
Table 4. Source rocks and their rates of contribution to hydrocarbon reserves in the South Oman Salt Basin
烃源岩—主力储集层 石油/MMb 天然气/Bscf 凝析油/MMb 总储量/MMboe 占盆地总量百分比/% 奈丰群—侯格夫子系统 789.5 9.1 0.0 791.0 15.5 阿拉群硅质岩和页岩—后侯格夫砂岩子系统 2 342.3 196.1 0.0 2 374.9 46.7 阿拉群硅质岩和页岩—硅质岩子系统 146.0 296.0 0.0 195.3 3.8 Birba台地碳酸盐岩原油子系统 321.0 1 508.8 26.6 599.0 11.8 豪威尔台地碳酸盐岩原油子系统 571.6 2 696.0 106.0 1 126.9 22.2 合计 4 170.4 4 706.0 132.6 5 087.1 100.0 注:原始数据源于IHS[15],后侯格夫砂岩指比侯格夫超群更年轻的砂岩储层。 表 5 东西伯利亚盆地、阿曼盆地和四川盆地储层特征
Table 5. Characteristics of reservoir rocks in the Eastern Siberian, Oman and Sichuan Basins
盆地 储层 岩性 沉积相 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 总厚度/m 净厚度/m 东西伯利亚 文德系 砂岩 河流、三角洲和边缘海 4~19 3~600 3~90 1~35 文德系、寒武系 碳酸盐岩 潮缘、浅海陆架 3~13 1~45 6~30 2~19 里菲系 碳酸盐岩 浅海陆架 1~4.5 平均30 9~217 阿曼 下寒武统尼姆尔群 砂岩 冲积扇和河流相 150~457 25~250 下寒武统阿拉群 硅质岩 深水盆地相 11.6~30 5.2~9 90~555 29~366 文德系奈丰群 碳酸盐岩 潮坪,浅海 7~8.9 2.8~120 20~400 10~111 四川 寒武系龙王庙组 白云岩 局限台地台内浅滩、台内边缘礁滩相 2.0~18.5 0.000 1~248 10~60 震旦系灯影组四段 白云岩为主 碳酸盐台地 2.1~8.6 0.01~10.0 <40 震旦系灯影组二段 白云岩为主 碳酸盐台地 2.7~4.5 1~10 5.1~69.1 (上部) 表 6 阿曼盆地已发现油气储量
Table 6. Discovered oil and gas reserves in the Oman Basin
类别 石油/MMb 天然气/MMscf 凝析油/MMb 总储量/MMboe 占盆地总量百分比/% 前寒武系/下寒武统超含油气系统 9 361.95 53 575 847 1 086.53 19 377.79 70.4 前寒武系/下寒武统超含油气系统原生油气藏 1 121.28 8 424 915 146.85 2 672.28 9.7 全盆地 15 367.75 65 885 888 1 180.55 27 524.28 100.0 注:原始数据源自IHS[15] -
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