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岳欣欣. 准噶尔盆地春光地区新近系沙湾组辫—曲演化与成藏特点[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(6): 967-975. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202106967
引用本文: 岳欣欣. 准噶尔盆地春光地区新近系沙湾组辫—曲演化与成藏特点[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(6): 967-975. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202106967
YUE Xinxin. Meander-braided transition features and hydrocarbon accumulation characteristics in Neogene Shawan Formation, Chunguang exploration block, Junggar Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(6): 967-975. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202106967
Citation: YUE Xinxin. Meander-braided transition features and hydrocarbon accumulation characteristics in Neogene Shawan Formation, Chunguang exploration block, Junggar Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(6): 967-975. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202106967


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202106967

中国石化科技部项目 P19016-2


    岳欣欣(1986-), 男, 助理研究员, 从事油气勘探开发研究。E-mail: 345169296@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Meander-braided transition features and hydrocarbon accumulation characteristics in Neogene Shawan Formation, Chunguang exploration block, Junggar Basin

  • 摘要: 春光地区为准噶尔盆地西北缘重要的含油气区块之一,新近系沙湾组为主要的产能、探明储量贡献层系。为满足精细勘探的需求,亟需对沙湾组的沉积特征、沉积演化和成藏模式进行深入研究。综合应用岩心、测井和地震资料,通过地层沿层切片分析,认为研究区发育辫状河、曲流河沉积,且同一时期存在“东辫西曲”的沉积特征,明确了不同时期的沉积演化过程;通过构造沉降及地形、基准面旋回变化、物源供给及古气候分析,明确河型转换控制因素;通过对不同河型油气藏成藏特点及识别特征的分析,建立了新的成藏模式,形成立体成藏格局;结合成藏认识,明确了有利勘探方向,有效拓展了勘探领域,取得了较好的勘探效果,为春光地区的增储上产提供了理论支撑。


  • 图  1  准噶尔盆地春光地区构造位置(a)和地层系统(b)

    Figure  1.  Tectonic location (a) and strata system (b) of Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  2  准噶尔盆地春光地区研究区典型岩心照片

    Figure  2.  Typical core images of Shawan Formation in Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  3  准噶尔盆地春光地区研究区不同河型沉积特征

    Figure  3.  Sedimentary characteristics of different river types of Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  4  准噶尔盆地春光地区过C1井地震剖面反映垂向上沉积相变化

    剖面位置见图 1a

    Figure  4.  Vertical changes of sedimentary facies in seismic profile of well C1, Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  5  准噶尔盆地春光地区西南部层位最大波谷振幅属性与沉积相

    Figure  5.  Images of maximum trough amplitude attribute and sedimentary facies in the southwest of Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  6  准噶尔盆地春光地区研究区辫状河—曲流河沉积演化模式

    Figure  6.  Models of sedimentary evolution of braided river and meandering river in Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  7  准噶尔盆地春光地区辫状河油气藏特点

    Figure  7.  Reservoir characteristics of braided-river deposits in Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  8  准噶尔盆地春光地区曲流河砂体叠置特征与油气藏特点

    Figure  8.  Reservoir characteristics of meandering-river deposits in Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  9  准噶尔盆地春光地区沙湾组油气成藏模式

    Figure  9.  Model of oil and ags accumulation of Shawan Formation in Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

    图  10  准噶尔盆地春光地区曲流河砂体尖灭带刻画及有利区带

    Figure  10.  Pinchout zone characterization and favorable zone of meandering-river deposits in Chunguang block, Junggar Basin

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