Resource evaluation and sweet-spot prediction of inter-salt shale oil of Paleogene Qianjiang Formation, Qianjiang Sag, Jianghan Basin
摘要: 中国陆相盆地页岩油资源丰富,页岩油作为国家油气资源接替的新阵地,加强陆相盐湖盆地盐间页岩油资源潜力评价,可为中国东部陆相盆地页岩油勘探提供重要依据。为此,以江汉盆地潜江凹陷古近系潜江组盐间页岩油为例,突出烃源层系页岩油资源潜力评价的有效性与创新性,优选出以TSM盆地模拟法为主,辅以体积法、热解参数法及资源丰度类比法的页岩油资源评价方法,进一步明确了页岩油资源潜力及有利分布区。潜江凹陷潜江组盐间页岩油资源主要分布在13个单韵律层、1个复韵律层,预测地质资源量8×108 t、技术可采资源量1.26×108 t,其中潜34-10韵律层资源量最大;平面上,预测潜江凹陷中北部是潜江组页岩油勘探有利区,其中,Ⅰ类地质资源量2.43×108 t、技术可采资源量0.38×108 t,Ⅱ类地质资源量5.57×108 t、技术可采资源量0.88×108 t。Abstract: Shale oil resources are rich in China's continental basins, and is a new reliever of petroliferous resource in China. It is of great practical significance for shale oil exploration in continental basins in eastern China to strengthen the study on the evaluation of shale oil resource potential in continental salty lake basins. For this reason, the inter-salt shale oil of Paleogene Qianjiang Formation in Qianjiang Sag of Jianghan Salt Lake Basin was employed as an example. This paper highlights the effectiveness and innovation of resource evaluation, and optimizes the shale oil resource evaluation method based on TSM basin modelling method, supplemented by volume method and pyrolytical method and resource abundance analogy method, so as to further clarify the resource potential and favorable area distribution of shale oil. The inter-salt shale oil resources of the Qianjiang Formation in the Qianjiang Sag are mainly distributed in 13 single rhythm layers and 1 complex rhythm layer, with the predicted geological resources of 800 million tons and recoverable resources of 126 million tons, of which the Eq34-10 rhythm resource is the largest. Horizontally, it is predicted that the central and northern part of Qianjiang Sag is a favorable exploration area for shale oil in the Qianjiang Formation, in which the geological resources of sweet-spot area are 243 million tons and the recoverable resources are 38 million tons, the geological resources of favorable area are 557 million tons and the reco-verable resources are 88 million tons.
Key words:
- shale oil /
- resource evaluation /
- inter-salt /
- Qianjiang Formation /
- Qianjiang Sag /
- Jianghan Basin
表 1 江汉盆地潜江凹陷古近系潜江组页岩油层特征参数
Table 1. Characteristic parameters of shale oil in Paleogene Qianjiang Formation, Qianjiang Sag, Jianghan Basin
韵律层段 页岩分布面积/km2 有效层厚度/m 页岩密度/(g·cm-3) 总有机碳含量/% 平均孔隙度/% 热解参数S1/ (mg·g-1) 最小 最大 平均 最小 最大 最小 最大 Eq33下-5 702.3 5 6.0 5.4 2.3 2.4 2.86 6.5 12.3 6.7 Eq33下-6 702.3 5 7.0 5.9 2.3 2.4 2.86 6.5 12.3 5.3 Eq33下-7 702.3 5 6.0 5.4 2.3 2.4 2.86 6.5 12.3 6.5 Eq33下-8 322.4 5 6.7 5.7 2.3 2.4 2.43 6.5 12.3 6.1 Eq34-10 702.3 7 10.5 8.6 2.3 2.4 2.86 7.0 14.0 8.9 Eq4下-2 381.3 6 12.6 9.1 2.5 2.6 1.54 5.1 9.6 4.6 Eq4下-6 381.3 5 7.6 6.2 2.5 2.6 2.29 4.9 8.9 5.7 Eq4下-15 381.3 5 8.0 6.4 2.5 2.6 2.18 4.5 8.0 4.7 Eq4下-26 381.3 5 10.1 7.4 2.5 2.6 2.18 4.5 8.0 5.1 Eq4下-27 381.3 5 7.9 6.3 2.5 2.6 2.18 4.5 8.0 5.1 Eq4下-28 381.3 5 7.7 6.2 2.5 2.6 1.87 3.5 6.7 5.1 Eq4下-32 381.3 5 7.8 6.3 2.5 2.6 1.74 4.5 8.1 5.3 Eq4下-33 381.3 5 7.6 6.2 2.5 2.6 2.18 4.5 8.1 5.1 Eq4下-(4-34) 160.2 80 150.0 112.7 2.4 2.5 1.15 4.2 7.7 1.9 表 2 江汉盆地潜江凹陷古近系潜江组Eq34-10韵律层页岩油资源评价结果
Table 2. Resource evaluation results of shale oil in Eq34-10 rhythm of Paleogene Qianjiang Formation, Qianjiang Sag, Jianghan Basin
评价方法 评价结果 权重系数 地质资源量/108 t 可采资源量/108 t TSM盆地模拟法 1.91 0.30 0.4 热解参数法 1.76 0.27 0.3 体积法 1.98 0.34 0.2 体积丰度类比法 1.65 0.25 0.1 综合取值 1.85 0.29 -
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