Classification and evaluation of undeveloped reserves in low-permeability reservoirs based on development technologies
摘要: 低渗透油藏是未来石油勘探开发的主要对象,保有未动用储量经过多轮次筛选后,剩余储量品位差,因此开发技术的适用条件是油藏能否动用的关键因素。该文以中国石化低渗透油藏为例,研究了“十二五”以来不同渗透率级别的低渗透油藏探明未开发储量的开发技术现状及动用条件,分析了保有未动用评价储量的分类,结合现有难动用储量类型和技术发展趋势,进一步厘清了低渗透油藏未来技术需求和攻关方向。Abstract: Reservoir with low-permeability is the future object of oil exploration and development. After multiple rounds of screening, the remaining reserves have poor grade. Therefore, the applicable conditions of development technology are the key factors for whether the reservoir can be produced. Taking SINOPEC low-permeability reservoirs as an example, it is discussed in this paper for the status of development technology and production conditions of proved undeveloped reserves in low-permeability reservoirs with different permeability levels since the 12th Five-Year Plan. Moreover, the classification of development potential of undeveloped reserves was carried out. Combined with the existing types of hard-to-develop reserves and technological development trends, the future technical requirements and research directions of low-permeability reservoirs were further clarified.
表 1 “十二五”以来中国石化低渗透油藏开发技术应用情况
Table 1. Application of development technology for low-permeability reservoirs by SINOPEC ever since 12th Five-Year Plan
序号 开发技术 储量/104 t 占比/% 1 常规/超前注水 889 8 2 仿水平井注水开发 2 505 24 3 注二氧化碳开发 292 3 4 常规压裂 1 811 17 5 直井多级分层大型压裂 713 7 6 高导流压裂技术 210 2 7 水平井分段压裂 4 092 39 合计 10 512 100 表 2 低渗透油藏开发技术现状及动用条件
Table 2. Current situation and production conditions of development technology for low-permeability reservoirs
岩性 渗透率分级/
10-3 μm2动用储量
占比/%主要配套技术 深度范围/
104 t/km2低渗砂岩 30~50 4.6 常规注水开发 1 850~3 200 10~30 15.1 小规模压裂/仿水平井开发/CO2驱 2 130~3 650 3.2 21 3~10 30.8 仿水平井注水开发/水平井分段压裂 2 050~3 700 3.5 23 0.2~3 39.0 长水平段多级压裂/直斜井多级大型压裂 2 070~3 900 7.1 38 低渗砂砾岩 3~10 6.0 常规压裂小井距注水开发 3 500~4 010 35 75 1.6~3 4.4 水平井立体开发技术/高导流通道压裂 3 400~4 300 75 178 表 3 低渗透油藏评价储量分类
Table 3. Classification of evaluated reserves in low-permeability reservoirs
评价储量分类 地质储量/108 t 储量比例/% 落实储量 开发技术配套,效益待评价 0.36 7.2 开发技术不配套,攻关方向明确 2.06 41.0 开发技术不配套,攻关方向不明确 0.63 12.6 小计 3.05 60.8 待落实储量 构造/储层/油水关系不清 1.97 39.2 合计 5.02 100.0 表 4 低渗透砂岩油藏压裂技术攻关类型分布
Table 4. Types of fracturing techniques for low-permeability sandstone reservoirs
序号 压裂技术类型 储量/104 t 占比/% 1 高导流通道压裂 436 32.3 2 水平井“压+注+采”一体化 502 37.2 3 薄差层压裂增产 230 17.1 4 长水平段水平井多段压裂 84 6.2 5 直井全支撑压裂 96 7.1 总计 1 348 100.0 -
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