Measurements of position-specific carbon isotopic compositions in propane by on-line Gas Chromatography-Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-Py-GC-IRMS) and its preliminary application
摘要: 遵循富集、色谱分离、瞬时裂解、同位素比值测试原则,搭建了气相色谱—裂解—气相色谱同位素比值质谱(GC-Py-GC-IRMS)在线位碳同位素测试系统用以测定特定化合物位碳同位素组成。由于丙烷瞬时裂解严格受控于动力学过程,因此,以丙烷为例,考察不同温度下丙烷裂解转化率以及裂解产物碳同位素组成,获得该测试系统丙烷的最佳裂解温度为780~820 ℃,并根据丙烷裂解动力学分馏模型,计算获得丙烷位碳同位素组成。对鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田已知上古生界煤系成因两件天然气样品丙烷位碳同位素进行了测定,结果表明,奥陶系马家沟组五段气藏和石炭—二叠系气藏天然气丙烷中心碳相同的碳同位素组成可能指示二者具有相同的气源,而石炭—二叠系气藏天然气丙烷端元碳同位素显著富集13C,则指示了其高演化阶段成因特征。研究成果初步展示了丙烷位碳同位素组成在天然气成因研究中具有广阔应用前景。Abstract: In this study, an on-line Gas Chromatography-Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GC-Py-GC-IRMS) was established to conduct position-specific isotope analysis (PSIA) by enrichment of compound interested, chromatographic separation, instantaneous pyrolysis and isotope ratio measurement. Propane, as its instantaneous pyrolysis can be kinetically controlled, was selected for tests. The molar conversion (mol%) of propane during pyrolysis and the carbon isotopic compositions of pyrolysis products upon temperature sequence show that the optimal pyrolysis temperature of propane is 780-820 ℃ for its position-specific carbon isotope analysis. Integrated with carbon isotopic fractionation during the propane pyrolysis, the carbon isotopes of central and terminal carbon were successfully calculated. Two natural gas samples from the Daniudi Gas Field, Ordos Basin were collected for central and terminal carbon isotope measurements in propane. Similar δ13C values of central carbon of propane in natural gas from the Ordovician and Carboniferous-Permian reservoirs could be indicative of the same source strata. While 13C-enrichment in the terminal C-atom of propane in natural gas from the Carboniferous-Permian reservoirs probably indicates that natural gas accumulated in the Carboniferous-Permian reservoir maybe have experienced a higher thermal maturation compared to that from the Ordovician reservoirs. The results suggest that the PSIA in propane can be a potentially powerful tool to probe the mechanisms on natural gas generation.
Key words:
- stable isotope /
- position-specific carbon isotope /
- propane /
- natural gas /
- Ordos Basin
图 6 鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田奥陶系马五段与石炭—二叠系储集层天然气成因判识图[39]
Figure 6. Genetic identification of natural gas in 5th member of Ordovician Majiagou Formation and Carboniferous-Permian reservoirs, Daniudi Gas Field, Ordos Basin
表 1 天然气样品基础数据
Table 1. Basic data of natural gas samples
样品 层位 天然气组分含量/% 碳同位素δ13CVPDB/‰ H2 N2 CO2 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 iC4H10 nC4H10 iC5H12 nC5H12 C1 C2 C3 G 12.89 2.82 0.84 73.64 4.03 2.35 0.58 1.77 0.36 0.71 -44.3 -40.5 -34.3 DPF-305 O1m5 0.13 0.01 4.48 92.78 2.15 0.37 0.08 -37.5 -27.4 -27.5 D12-8 P1s1- P1x1 0.33 0.14 2.18 87.81 6.72 1.92 0.30 0.45 0.15 -37.2 -25.6 -25.5 表 2 标准天然气样G中丙烷裂解分馏因子及位碳同位素组成
Table 2. Enrichment factors and absolute δ13C values of position-specific carbons of propane pyrolysis in standard natural gas G
‰ 裂解温度/℃ ε1 ε2 ε3 δ13Ca δ13Cb 计算值δ13C丙烷 实测值δ13C丙烷 偏差 740 -5.3 -0.1 -6.7 -36.5 -30.1 -34.4 -34.3 0.1 760 -5.7 0.3 -4.1 -37.5 -28.2 -34.4 -34.3 0.1 780 -5.9 0.2 -5.9 -36.9 -29.6 -34.4 -34.3 0.1 800 -6.3 0.9 -4.2 -37.7 -28.1 -34.3 -34.3 0.2 820 -6.9 1.4 -4.6 -37.1 -29.3 -34.5 -34.3 0.2 840 -6.1 2.8 -4.3 -37.0 -29.6 -34.5 -34.3 0.2 860 -4.2 5.7 -4.0 -36.6 -30.5 -34.5 -34.3 0.2 880 -2.8 7.5 -4.1 -36.3 -31.0 -34.6 -34.3 0.3 900 -1.2 9.3 -4.6 -37.1 -29.8 -34.7 -34.3 0.4 注:ε1、ε2、ε3分别为丙烷瞬时裂解的3个主要反应的分馏因子(见图 4);δ13Ca为丙烷端位碳同位素值;δ13Cb为丙烷中间位碳同位素值。 表 3 鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田天然气样品丙烷位碳同位素组成
Table 3. Absolute δ13C values of position-specific carbons of propane in Daniudi Gas Field, Ordos Basin
‰ 样品号 层位 δ13Ca δ13Cb δ13Ca-δ13Cb 计算值δ13C丙烷 实测值δ13C丙烷 DPF-305 O1m5 -27.1 -28.9 1.8 -27.7 -27.5 D12-8 P1s1- P1x1 -23.4 -29.6 6.2 -25.4 -25.5 -
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