Controls of strike-slip fault activities on hydrocarbon accumulation in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin: a case study of TP 39 fault zone
摘要: 塔里木盆地塔河油田奥陶系走滑断裂发育,控制了该区的油气成藏和分布。以塔河油田托甫39走滑断裂带为研究对象,在对其活动历史分析的基础之上,利用流体包裹体技术对断裂带油气充注期次和时间进行分析,研究了油气充注史与断裂活动之间的关系。托甫39走滑断裂带油气富集程度高,存在多期活动的特征,可划分为3个阶段,即加里东中晚期—海西期、印支期和燕山期—喜马拉雅期。流体包裹体研究结果显示,托甫39走滑断裂带碳酸盐岩储层中存在4期油充注,分别捕获了金黄色、黄色、黄绿色和蓝色荧光颜色的油包裹体;采用油包裹体伴生盐水包裹体均一温度结合储层埋藏史和热史的方法,确定4期油充注时间分别发生在距今约440,324,220,110 Ma。4期油充注时间分别与加里东期、海西期、印支期和燕山期相对应,与断裂活动时间具有较好的响应关系,说明走滑断裂带活动一定程度上制约了油气成藏时间,从而影响了整个成藏过程。Abstract: Strike-slip faults were well-developed in the Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, which had an important control to the accumulation and distribution of hydrocarbon. In this study, the TP 39 strike-slip fault in the Tahe Oilfield was taken as an example, fluid inclusions were used to determine the time of hydrocarbon charge based on the analysis of strike-slip fault activity history, and the relationship between hydrocarbon charging events and fault activity history was studied. Results show that the TP 39 strike-slip fault zone is rich in oil and gas resources and has the characteristics of multi-stage activities, namely the Middle-Late Caledonian to Early Hercynian, Indosinian and Yanshanian-Himalayan, respectively. The results of fluid inclusion analysis indicated that there were four episodes of oil charge to the Ordovician reservoir of TP 39 strike-slip fault, and oil inclusions with golden-yellowish, yellow, yellow-green and blue fluorescing colors were trapped. According to the minimum homogenization temperature of aqueous inclusions co-existed with oil-bearing inclusions, combined with the burial and thermal histories of reservoirs, there were four periods of oil filling events occurred at around 440, 324, 220 and 110 Ma, corresponding to Caledonian, Hercynian, Indosinian and Yanshanian, respectively, which showed a good response relationship with the fault activity time. It was then concluded that the activities of strike-slip fault constrained the time of hydrocarbon charge, thus controlled the whole process of hydrocarbon accumulation.
图 2 塔里木盆地塔河油田走滑断裂地震解释剖面
剖面位置见图 1。
Figure 2. Seismic interpretation of strike-slip faults in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin
图 4 塔里木盆地塔河油田托甫39走滑断裂带平面和地震剖面特征[31]
Figure 4. Plane and seismic sections of TP 39 strike-slip fault in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin
表 1 塔里木盆地塔河油田托甫39走滑断裂带采样清单
Table 1. Sampling list for TP 39 strike-slip fault zone in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin
样品编号 井名 层位 深度/m 岩性 TH1 T740 O2yj 6 172.8 灰黄色砂屑灰岩 TH2 TP193 O1-2y 7 384.6 灰色泥晶灰岩 TH3 TH12374 O2yj 6 284.6 浅灰色泥晶灰岩 TH4 TP37 O2yj 6 906.0 浅黄灰色微晶灰岩 TH5 TP39 O2yj 7 066.5 浅黄灰色亮晶砂屑灰岩 TH6 TS3-3 O1-2y 6 103.0 灰黄色泥晶灰岩 -
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