Influence of geothermal field on ultra-deep Ordovician oil and gas in Shunbei field, Tarim Basin: a case study of Shunbei No. 5 strike-slip fault
摘要: 塔里木盆地顺北油气田走滑断裂带奥陶系超深层油气资源类型、油气性质呈现规律性变化,油气分布规律主控因素不清制约了资源类型与勘探序列评价。为研究温度场对深层油气的影响,开展了顺北5号断裂带现今实测温度资料统计分析、关键成藏期热史恢复、烃源岩热演化与奥陶系油气性质和油气成熟度对应关系研究。结果表明,顺北地区现今地温场纵向上呈现由浅层向深层地温梯度逐渐降低的特征,寒武系玉尔吐斯组烃源岩的现今地温和关键成藏期古地温均呈现由北往南逐渐升高的特征。在超深层低地温梯度背景下,顺北奥陶系超深层油藏温度未达到原油大量裂解温度窗,为液态石油的保存提供了有利条件;在关键成藏期——海西晚期,本地寒武系玉尔吐斯组烃源岩由北往南热演化程度逐渐增加,在高压抑制生烃演化作用下,顺北5号断裂带北段和中段以生油阶段为主,南段开始以生凝析油气阶段为主,演化产物与现今奥陶系超深层油气藏类型、原油密度、天然气干燥系数、生产气油比、油气热演化程度平面分布特征具有较好一致性,指示地温场控制下的烃源岩热演化差异是资源类型和油气性质差异分布的主要影响因素。Abstract: The types and properties of the ultra-deep Ordovician oil and gas resources in the strike-slip fault zone of the Shunbei oil and gas field in the Tarim Basin show regular changes. The main controlling factors of oil and gas distributional characters are unclear, which restricts the evaluation of resource types and exploration sequences. To study the consequences of the thermal field on oil and gas, the statistical analyses of the current measured temperature of the Shunbei No. 5 fault zone, the restoration of the thermal history[JP] of the key accumulation period, the thermal evolution of the source rocks, and the Ordovician oil and gas properties and maturity are carried out. Results show that present geothermal field in the Shunbei area has a vertical gradient gradually decreasing from shallow to deep, and the present geothermal temperature as well as the paleotemperature of key accumulation period of the source rocks of the Cambrian Yuertus Formation gradually increase from north to south. With the background of ultra-deep low geothermal gradient, the temperature of the Shunbei Ordovician ultra-deep reservoir did not reach the cracking temperature point for large amounts of crude oil, which provided favorable conditions for the preservation of liquid oil. In the critical accumulation period, the late Hercynian, the thermal evolution degree of the local Cambrian Yuertus Formation source rocks gradually increases from north to south. Since high pressure inhibited the evolution of hydrocarbon generation, the northern and middle segments of the Shunbei No. 5 fault zone are mainly oil-generating, while the southern segment is condensate-gas-generating. The evolution products are in good consistency with the current Ordovician ultra-deep oil and gas reservoir types, crude oil density, natural gas drying coefficient, production gas/oil ratio, and the plane distribution characteristics of oil and gas thermal evolution degree, indicating that the thermal evolution difference of source rocks under the control of geothermal field is the main factor affecting the distribution of resource types and oil and gas properties.
Key words:
- strike-slip fault /
- thermal evolution degree /
- source rock /
- geothermal field /
- Shunbei oil and gas field /
- Tarim Basin
表 1 塔里木盆地顺北5号断裂带钻井超深层现今温度统计
Table 1. Present temperature statistics of ultra-deep drilling formations in Shunbei No. 5 fault zone, Tarim Basin
位置 井号 实钻T74深度/m 6 900 m温度计实测 油藏中深/m 油藏底部垂深/m 油藏中深地温梯度/(℃·hm-1) 平均地温梯度/(℃·hm-1) 实测油藏温度/℃ 预测现今玉尔吐斯组 地温梯度/(℃·hm-1) 温度/℃ 埋深/m 地层温度/℃ 北段 SHB5-4H 7 385.0 1.56 140.01 7 436.94 7 480.28 1.53 1.95 145.30 10 567.0 182 SHB5-3 7 338.0 1.44 139.43 7 566.50 7 746.00 1.94 147.96 10 742.5 186 SHB5 7 340.5 1.53 139.52 7 649.30 7 650.64 1.56 1.97 150.45 10 670.0 185 SHB5-2 7 486.0 1.76 140.86 7 509.80 7 533.62 1.59 2.00 150.83 10 738.0 185 SHB5-13H 7 501.0 1.66 141.00 7 589.87 7 589.88 2.04 154.54 10 812.0 194 中段 SHB51X 7 556.0 1.72 146.47 7 619.80 7 683.64 1.39 2.05 157.34 10 879.0 204 SHB5-5H 7 626.0 7 792.00 8 032.84 1.53 2.04 160.99 11 036.5 200 SHB501 7 638.0 1.66 146.60 7 748.75 7 816.00 1.75 2.08 161.27 11 041.0 203 SHB5-15H 7 628.0 1.87 146.26 7 751.00 7 870.17 1.84 2.09 161.65 11 046.0 206 SHB5-6 7 514.0 1.89 146.41 7 730.00 7 942.65 1.82 2.08 162.33 11 135.0 205 南段 SHB53X 7 745.0 1.88 146.64 7 829.90 7 913.70 1.77 2.08 163.11 11 288.0 209 SHB53-2H 7 751.0 1.70 154.09 8 157.97 8 157.98 1.70 2.12 173.48 11 525.0 SHB57X 7 466.0 1.99 150.31 7 601.98 7 767.65 1.81 2.14 163.05 11 648.0 表 2 塔里木盆地顺北5号断裂带天然气组分统计数据
Table 2. Statistical data of natural gas components in Shunbei No. 5 fault zone, Tarim Basin
分带 井号 烃类气体/% 非烃类气体/% 干燥系数 相对密度 甲烷 乙烷 C2+ N2 CO2 北段 SHB5-4H 48.9 17.6 30.7 19.3 1.1 0.62 0.88 SHB5-3 55.8 16.1 29.7 12.0 2.4 0.65 0.87 SHB5 49.8 17.4 31.1 18.2 1.8 0.62 0.86 SHB5-2 55.1 17.2 31.4 12.4 2.2 0.64 0.86 SHB5-12H 53.0 17.0 32.4 12.2 3.0 0.62 0.89 SHB5-13H 53.6 18.6 31.8 11.8 2.7 0.63 0.87 中段 SHB51X 73.2 10.3 18.7 6.4 1.7 0.80 0.75 SHB5-7 77.5 9.5 15.1 5.7 1.7 0.84 0.71 SHB52A 78.0 7.0 9.6 11.5 0.9 0.89 0.68 SHB5-10 78.9 8.7 12.7 6.2 2.3 0.86 0.69 SHB5-15H 81.6 8.0 12.0 4.4 2.0 0.87 0.68 SHB5-6 78.5 12.6 18.6 2.5 0.3 0.81 0.70 南段 SHB53X 88.2 4.8 6.9 2.00 2.00 0.93 0.67 SHB53-2H 87.0 2.4 3.6 6.04 3.36 0.97 0.64 SHB57X 94.2 1.3 1.5 2.42 1.96 0.98 0.59 -
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