Geological characteristics and exploration practice of deep carbonate buried hills in Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
摘要: 渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷深层碳酸盐岩潜山广泛分布,经历了多期构造演化,具有洼隆相间的构造格局,在多个构造带多个层系均获得勘探发现。近年来随着勘探的深入,在斜坡带和下倾部位部署的多口探井落空,深层潜山勘探陷入停滞。为进一步明确潜山勘探潜力与勘探方向,在提高地震资料品质基础上,从供烃窗口与供烃方式、优质储层类型、圈闭类型三大成藏要素入手,开展成藏条件再评价与成藏主控因素再认识。南堡凹陷深层古生界碳酸盐岩潜山发育多套储盖组合,储层物性好,优质烃源岩发育,油气成藏条件优越。油气富集受供烃方式和供烃窗口、圈闭类型和储层等多重因素控制,油气藏类型多样。供烃窗口控制油气成藏,圈闭类型决定油气藏类型,受多期岩溶作用产生的断裂裂缝—表生岩溶和裂缝—埋藏岩溶形成优势储层控制富集高产。通过成藏条件的综合评价,明确了南堡1、2号构造带斜坡区和洼槽区残丘潜山、南堡2号和南堡3号构造带寒武系内幕潜山是下步重要勘探方向。通过地质研究与勘探技术的集成应用,分类评价了一批有利勘探目标,南堡凹陷碳酸盐岩潜山勘探获得了整体突破,取得了较好勘探成效。Abstract: The deep carbonate buried hills are widely distributed in the Nanpu Sag of Bohai Bay Basin. They have experienced multiple stages of tectonic movement and show a tectonic pattern of alternating sub-sags and uplifts. Exploration discoveries have been achieved in multiple structural belts and layers. In recent years, with the deepening of exploration, many exploratory wells deployed on the slope belt and the downdip area were failed, and the exploration of deep buried hills has stagnated. To clarify the potential and exploration direction of buried hills, on the basis of improvement of seismic data, starting from the three major accumulation elements of hydrocarbon supply window and supply mode, high-quality reservoir type and trap type, the re-evaluation of accumulation conditions and the re-understanding of main controlling factors of accumulation were carried out. The deep Paleozoic carbonate buried hills in the Nanpu Sag develop multiple sets of reservoir-caprock assemblages, [JP] with good physical properties, high-quality source rocks, and favorable hydrocarbon accumulation conditions. Oil and gas enrichment is controlled by multiple factors such as hydrocarbon supply mode, window, type of trap and reservoir, and there are various types of oil and gas reservoirs. The hydrocarbon supply window controls the formation of hydrocarbon accumulation, the type of trap determines the type of oil and gas reservoir, and the dominant reservoirs formed by fault fracture-supergenic karst and fracture-burial karst generated by multi-stage karstification control the enrichment and high yield. The comprehensive evaluation of the accumulation conditions shows that the slope area and the trough area of the Nanpu No. 1 and No. 2 structural belts as well as the inner Cambrian buried hills of the Nanpu No. 2 and Nanpu No. 3 structural belts are important directions for the next exploration. Through the integrated application of geological research and exploration technology, several favorable[JP] exploration targets have been classified and evaluated. Overall breakthroughs have been made in the exploration of carbonate buried hills in the Nanpu Sag, and good exploration results have been achieved.
图 5 渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷古生界碳酸盐岩储层微观特征
a.角砾灰岩发育溶蚀孔洞,NP1-5井,3 955.55~3 960.58 m,下马家沟组;b.构造溶蚀缝,NP1-5井,3 962.54 m,下马家沟组,泥晶砂屑灰岩;c.发育晚期构造缝充填油,NP1-5井,3 962.54 m,下马家沟组;d.内幕潜山发育高角度裂缝,NP3-80井,5 681.21~5 682.59 m,毛庄组,褐灰色荧光白云质灰岩;e.内幕潜山发育溶蚀孔,NP3-80井,5 682.6 m,毛庄组,白云质灰岩;f.FMI测井指示发育裂缝,NP1-80井,3 760 m,凤山组+长山组,白云质灰岩;g.FMI测井指示发育溶洞,南堡1-85井,4 082 m,下马家沟组,含泥细晶灰岩
Figure 5. Microscopic characteristics of carbonate reservoirs in Paleozoic, Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
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