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罗群 王仕琛 贾春 代兵 张宏利 文璠 邱兆轩

罗群, 王仕琛, 贾春, 代兵, 张宏利, 文璠, 邱兆轩. 断控气藏的动态成藏物理模拟与启示——以柴达木盆地西北地区典型气藏为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2022, 44(5): 790-803. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202205790
引用本文: 罗群, 王仕琛, 贾春, 代兵, 张宏利, 文璠, 邱兆轩. 断控气藏的动态成藏物理模拟与启示——以柴达木盆地西北地区典型气藏为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2022, 44(5): 790-803. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202205790
LUO Qun, WANG Shichen, JIA Chun, DAI Bing, ZHANG Hongli, WEN Fan, QIU Zhaoxuan. Physical simulation of dynamic accumulation of fault-controlled gas reservoirs and its implications: a case study of typical gas reservoirs in northwestern part of Qaidam Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2022, 44(5): 790-803. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202205790
Citation: LUO Qun, WANG Shichen, JIA Chun, DAI Bing, ZHANG Hongli, WEN Fan, QIU Zhaoxuan. Physical simulation of dynamic accumulation of fault-controlled gas reservoirs and its implications: a case study of typical gas reservoirs in northwestern part of Qaidam Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2022, 44(5): 790-803. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202205790


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202205790

中国石油—中国石油大学(北京)战略合作科技专项 ZLZX2020016


    罗群(1963-), 男, 博士, 教授, 从事非常规油气成藏与地质评价研究。E-mail: luoqun2002@263.net

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Physical simulation of dynamic accumulation of fault-controlled gas reservoirs and its implications: a case study of typical gas reservoirs in northwestern part of Qaidam Basin

  • 摘要: 天然气成藏过程的动态物理模拟是揭示天然气运聚成藏机理、总结其分布规律的重要手段,然而由于天然气本身特性,使得“易泄漏、难动态、难观察”成为天然气运聚动态成藏物理模拟的最大问题。为了揭示断控气藏运聚成藏机制,总结其气藏形成序列和分布模式,以柴达木盆地西北地区东坪、马海—南八仙典型气藏为例,在建立各个典型气藏成藏演化地质模式基础上,针对气藏模拟存在的问题,设计了既能实现构造动态变化过程,同时又能清晰观察气体充注、运移、聚集现象的“一种可调式天然气运聚成藏模拟装置”。运用该装置成功模拟了东坪、马海—南八仙等典型气藏形成过程,明确了断层不仅作为气体运移和传递动力的通道,还控制了演化序列和分布模式;建立了“晚期成藏”和“长期成藏”两种不同类型天然气藏的形成演化序列模式,揭示了“断传高压驱动”天然气运移成藏机理,明确“深浅共存、浅差深好”的天然气藏纵向保存系列,提出了“有浅(浅层气藏)必有深(深层气藏)”,据“浅”寻找“深”的天然气勘探新理念。


  • 图  1  柴达木盆地西部和西北地区Tr断裂与侏罗系烃源岩、气藏分布


    Figure  1.  Distribution of Tr fault and Jurassic source rocks and gas reservoirs in western and northwestern Qaidam Basin

    图  2  柴达木盆地东坪构造天然气运移成藏模式

    Figure  2.  Migration and accumulation model of natural gas in Dongping structure, Qaidam Basin

    图  3  柴达木盆地马海—南八仙油气藏油气运聚成藏模式


    Figure  3.  Migration and accumulation model of oil and gas in Mahai-Nanbaxian reservoir, Qaidam Basin

    图  4  手动非均匀挤压天然气运聚动态成藏物理模拟实验装置照片(背视)

    Figure  4.  Experimental device for physical simulation of natural gas migration and dynamic accumulation with manual and non-uniform extrusion (back view)

    图  5  气藏模拟实验装置实物图及几何尺寸示意

    Figure  5.  Experimental device for gas reservoir simulation and its schematic diagram

    图  6  手动非均匀挤压天然气运聚动态成藏物理模拟实验装置示意(正面)

    Figure  6.  Experimental device for physical simulation of natural gas migration and dynamic accumulation with manual and non-uniform extrusion (front view)

    图  7  柴达木盆地东坪气藏形成演化模式

    Figure  7.  Formation and evolution model of Dongping gas reservoir in Qaidam Basin

    图  8  柴达木盆地东坪构造气藏形成过程物理模拟实验模型

    Figure  8.  Experimental model for physical simulation of formation process of Dongping structural gas reservoir, Qaidam Basin

    图  9  缓慢挤压逐渐加速注气阶段(时间在0~11′48″)实验现象示意

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of experimental phenomenon during the stage of slow extrusion and gradually speeding gas injection (0-11′48″)

    图  10  实验在缓慢注气9′56″和11′48″时刻天然气沿断裂运聚成藏的实验照片

    Figure  10.  Experimental photos of natural gas migration and accumlation along faults during slow gas injection at 9 ′56″ and 11′48″

    图  11  加速挤压大量注气阶段(时间大致在11′48″~13′20″)实验现象示意

    Figure  11.  Schematic diagram of experimental phenomenon during the stage of speeding extrusion with large amount of gas injection (approximately 11′48″-13′20″)

    图  12  柴达木盆地南八仙油气藏形成史示意

    Figure  12.  Formation history of Nanbaxian oil and gas reservoir in Qaidam Basin

    图  13  柴达木盆地马仙构造气藏形成过程物理模拟实验模型

    Figure  13.  Experimental model for physical simulation of formation process of Maxian structural gas reservoir in Qaidam Basin

    图  14  缓慢挤压逐渐加速注气阶段(时间大致从0′~8′)实验现象示意

    Figure  14.  Schematic diagram of experimental phenomenon during the stage of slow extrusion and gradually speeding gas injection (roughly from 0′ to 8′)

    图  15  加速挤压大量注气阶段(时间大致从11′~20′)实验现象照片

    Figure  15.  Experimental photos of speeding extrusion and mass gas injection stage (roughly from 11′ to 20′)

    表  1  柴达木盆地东坪气藏动态成藏物理模拟实验参数设定

    Table  1.   Parameter setting of physical simulation experiment for dynamic accumulation of Dongping gas reservoir in Qaidam Basin

    实验参数 65.5~23.5 Ma(第一阶段)E 23.5~5.3 Ma(第二阶段)N1 5.3.0 ~0 Ma(第三阶段)N2—Q
    实验过程初步设定 缓慢挤压 缓慢挤压逐渐加速注气阶段 加速挤压大量注气阶段
    地史时间差/Ma 0 18.2,23.5
    实验时间设定/min 0 9.1,11.8
    预期压缩距离/mm 10 50
    预期压缩速率/(mm·min-1) 0.55 18.5
    进气量 少量 大量
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    表  2  柴达木盆地马海西—南八仙气藏物理模拟实验参数设定

    Table  2.   Parameter setting of physical simulation experiment for Western Mahai-Nanbaxian gas reservoirs in Qaidam Basin

    实验参数 65.5~23.5 Ma(第一阶段)E 23.5~3.0 Ma(第二阶段)N1—N22 3.0~0 Ma(第三阶段)N23—Q
    实验过程初步设定 缓慢挤压 缓慢挤压逐渐加速注气阶段 加速挤压大量注气阶段
    地史时间差/Ma 0 20.5,23.5
    实验时间预期设定/min 0 8.0,22.0
    预期压缩距离/mm 10 22
    预期压缩速率/(mm·min-1) 0.8 1.57
    进气量 少量 大量
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